Pocket-Friendly Pool Remodeling

Author: Theodore Campbell

A swimming pool in the outdoor space is a dream nursed by most homeowners. A dip at any time of the day, pool parties without booking and an enjoyable summer for the kids is the ideal delight for homeowners.

Remodeling the Pool

Homeowners with an outdoor space often build a swimming pool to bring these joys into their backyard.

However, with time and use, swimming pools require renovation. In fact, after a few years, homeowners often choose pool remodeling which includes repairs and the addition of new features like slides, a spa or a hot tub to enhance the utility and fun time of the outdoor space. Changing times often tempt homeowners to add new delights to the swimming pool.

Pool remodeling however, has no limits. The tiles inside the pool can be changed, interesting lighting can be added, and a Jacuzzi, a hot tub, spa and others can be added. The list is endless. However, every homeowner’s bank account has a limit.

Well; there’s good news in store. The outdated, luster-less pool can be renovated within a budget.

Budget-friendly remodeling

Here are some tips for budget-friendly pool remodeling.

  • Adding differently colored lights can bring a huge change in the backyard. However, changing the lights and bearing the utility bills can be expensive. A good idea is to install color-changing LED lights, which not only makeover the pool, but also save electricity to the extent of 90 percent when compared to conventional lights.
  • Resurfacing the pool not only takes care of the damages to the surface but also provides an elated look with limited resources. What’s more, different surface materials like shells, stones are available to create an updated look.
  • Do the lengthy utility bills of spring make your heart skip a beat? Gas heaters, used to keep the pool warm are only 75 percent efficient in heating the water in the pool. A good idea is to save on the bills through solar heating. Use the sun’s energy to warm the pool.
  • Waterfalls, water bowls and deck jets not only add motion and sound to the otherwise dull pool, but also make the pool playful for the kids and pets. Moreover, it’s not an expensive addition.
  • A host of energy saving pool equipment is now available. These reduce the cost of pool maintenance.
  • Adding powder-coated handrails not only enhance the appearance of the swimming pool, but also remain cooler than their metal counterparts during the warmer months.
  • Resurfacing the deck brings a massive change. Budget-friendly resurfacing can be done with a coating, better known as acrylic lace. It not only protects the concrete below, but also gives a brand new look to the swimming pool.
  • An outdoor kitchen or barbecue is sufficient to give the outdated pool a brand new look.

Pool Remodeling, therefore, does not essentially require the remodeling of all the features of the swimming pool. The aforementioned tips can enhance the look of the outdated pool within a stipulated budget.