Food Grains - Whole Grains for Good Health - Grian Exporter
Author: Bk Gupta
What are Whole Grains?
- Whole grains are nutritious, delicious, and are included in the WIC program!
- Whole grains contain the entire grain kernel.
- That means whole grains have all the fiber and other nutrients found in the "whole"
- Whole grains can come from wheat, rice, corn, oats, or other grains.
- Whole grains include all the nutrients found in the bran, the germ, and the endosperm.
- Examples of whole grains:
- whole?wheat bread
- oatmeal
- brown rice
- corn tortillas
- popcorn
- whole?wheat pasta
- whole?wheat crackers
- Refined grains start out as whole grains, but then they are milled. This process removes parts of the grain, along with certain nutrients.
- Examples of refined grain foods:
- a href="">white rice
- flour tortillas
- enriched pasta
- Enriched
- Macaroni
- many crackers
- white bread
- Cereals
- Pretzels
- Grits
- baked goods
- Instead of white bread, try whole?wheat bread.
- Instead of white rice, try brown rice.
- Instead of flour tortillas, try corn tortillas or wholewheat tortillas.
- Instead of cooked grits, try oatmeal.
- Whole grains are healthy choices!
- Whole grains are packed full of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that are good for you and your family:
- Fiber
- B vitamins
- vitamin E
- Iron
- Zinc
- Phytochemicals
- antioxidants
1. Whole?grain foods can:
- help you reach a healthy weight.
- help lower your risk of diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer.
- improve digestive health.
- help you feel full.
Breakfast Ideas:
- Choose whole?grain, ready?to?eat cereals, like Cheerios or Mini?Wheats.
- Try oatmeal! All types of oatmeal are whole grain? old?fashioned, quick?cooking, even instant!
- Enjoy whole?grain toast or whole?grain bagels.
Lunch and Snack Ideas:
- Use whole?grain bread for sandwiches.
- Use corn or whole?wheat tortillas instead of flour tortillas.
- Try low?fat whole?grain crackers or baked tortillas chips.
- For a take along snack, pack some dry wholegrain cereal.
- Enjoy some popcorn (try the low?fat microwave kind).
Dinner Ideas:
- Stuff cabbage leaves, peppers, or tomatoes with brown rice or add brown rice to your favorite stew or casserole.
- Use whole?wheat pasta when you make spaghetti, pasta salads or macaroni and cheese.
- Use brown rice for making Spanish Rice (see recipe at the end of this lesson!).