Things You Need To Do To Secure Your Online Business

Author: Carol Evenson

When you are operating a business online, securing your information is very important. Viruses and hackers are two the two main dangers you should be aware of since they can bring your business down in a short period. One thing you need to know is that every system has a loophole. Therefore, safeguard your system by all means possible. By doing this, hackers and viruses will be locked out. This article highlights steps recommended by specialists that can be used by business owners to guard their systems.

1. Change the username and password set during installation of the computer system.

Once you remove your computer out of its box, the next step is installing the operating system. Most people forget to re-configure their machines for security purposes. It is a mistake you should avoid by all means. Failing to make these changes makes it easy for hackers to access your computer anytime. They can gain access to your computer and make changes to your data without your knowledge or consent.

2. Make sure your operating system is up to date.

Manufacturers upgrade security features on computers regularly. Therefore, to update your operating system, sign up for the automatic updates that install all the necessary security patches. If your machines do not have security updates, they might fall prey to hackers. Secondly, ensure your antivirus updates itself automatically. By doing this, you will be safe from any intruders.

3. Ensure you have a proper firewall on your network.

The moment anyone tries to tamper with your payment terminal, a good firewall is the first line of defense. Nowadays, hackers insert malware into your terminal and steal critical data. These hackers can do it from anywhere in the world. It is vital to have a firewall because it protects your computer from malware, and any other means cybercriminals use. When someone transfers large amounts of data from your network without your approval, the firewall will shut down the process. It is also important to have network security tools since it helps in detecting threats in your network and general security. If your system is safe, you can be able to run your business comfortably.

4. Sensitive information should only be visible to people who need to see it.

A particular type of software can detect unusual activities in a computer system. Another application can monitor outbound communications to ensure specific information is not leaking out. In some businesses, employees require remote access to the company’s database. Therefore, you need more than a username and password to access the system. For example, employees may be prompted to key in their desk number to log in to the system.

5. Encryption

It is a handy tip when it comes to data protection. Nowadays, encryption technologies have become easy to work with, as compared to the past. Once you lose your computer or external memory and the data is encrypted, there will be no security threat to your business. Before doing anything, investigate which encryption option is best for your business.

6. Use the cloud to store your data.

If you do not know about implementing all the security measures mentioned above, it is better to store your data in a cloud. The moment you get a right cloud service provider (CSP), they will ensure your data is safe at all times. Another advantage of the cloud is that you can access your information from anywhere, as long as you have internet.


Take responsibility for your data, and do it as soon as possible. Even if you follow all the tips mentioned in this article, you still need to be on your toes when it comes to online security. It is because IT security keeps on changing each minute. Hackers are not resting; they are researching and discovering the latest vulnerabilities. It is your responsibility to try and keep up with them to be safe.