Best 5 free Shopify Themes for the Upcoming Year 2018

Author: Aden William

Today, Shopify themes are perfect for your online store. The best aspect is that they’ve a consistent look.

Shopify themes are highly customizable. Even if you don’t have the best technical expertise, you can easily create a unique online store.

Also, it’s best to have a mobile friendly Shopify themes. More than fifty percent of sales on Shopify stores happen only on Mobile devices.

So, you can definitely select a Shopify theme with the mobile version in mind. Search for mobile layouts that are familiar.

When you are looking for the best Shopify theme for your store, always try to keep mobile responsiveness in mind.

It’s generally advised that you look for lightweight and fast Shopify themes. Best Shopify themes always focus on making a customer’s shopping experience as easy as possible.

In all free Shopify themes, you will be able to add blog posts, banner images, products, and more.

Also, with respect to the above mentioned facts, it’s advised that you take the help of best Shopify experts to design your site.

They’ve good amount of experience in designing a user friendly website.

Now check out the best free Shopify themes available with detailed features listed below:

1. Boundless:

Boundless is a simple Shopify theme, which is created for store owners. This beautiful theme is built for fashion items.

The best aspect is that the theme highlights each product separately. Boundless works perfectly on desktop & other mobile devices.

Main features:

  • Embedded styles & colors

  • Free theme updates

  • Drop-down navigation menu

  • It has a mobile-friendly design

  • It’s available with a sticky navigation for keeping menus fixed at the top of your pages.

  • It also displays high-resolution images

  1. 2. Minimal:

This free Shopify theme can be used as a beginner theme. It combines perfectly with fashion brands. This theme has a clean design.

Main features of Minimal

  • Social media icons

  • Homepage video to showcase your story on YouTube.

  • A slideshow to display multiple products.

  • Built-in styles and color palettes.

  • Product image zooming, so to give your customers a closer look at your products.

  • SEO ready

  1. 3. Annabelle:

Annabelle can be downloaded for free. It’s also not limited to a particular category. So, it can work for any store.

You can display your products with Annabelle using the homepage slider option. The homepage banners have different styles and magnifying effects.

It helps potential visitors to view your products effectively.

Main features of Annabelle

  • Comes with customizable theme options for a unique eCommerce experience

  • Exquisite full-page custom image zoom and much more

  • It’s fully responsive

Shopify experts help you get a user friendly website using best Shopify theme.

  1. 4. Brooklyn:

Brooklyn is a beautiful free Shopify theme. It focuses on the display of products. It works great for modern clothing.

Main features of Brooklyn

  • SEO ready.

  • It has a flexible product grid display.

  • Homepage video to display and introduce your contents.

  • Has a mobile-friendly design.

  • Header slideshow.

  1. 5. Simple Best Free Shopify Theme:

Simple is a minimalist theme. It highlights your products without complex design and frills.

Main features of Simple:

  • Mobile-friendly

  • Image animations

  • Sidebar menu to display your products easily.

  • Product image zooms, so your customers have a closer look at the details of your products.

  • Drop-down navigation support

  • SEO ready.

Today, many Shopify experts use simple best free Shopify themes to design your website.

So, you get SEO friendly website. This helps you get more traffic, lead and conversion.

Final Words:

While looking at the Shopify themes, it’s advised that you choose the one that best fits your customer's objectives.

Also, you need to remember that your store should reflect the value of your product to your target audience & it should be personable.

You can meanwhile take the help of best Shopify Experts who can help you get the site of your choice.