Live chat agent performance

Author: Sylvan Mark

Online businesses have a lot of tools at their disposal to attract customers and increase loyalty. They can design a great website, make it visible within popular searches and focus on customer services. Implementing live chat is a great idea and it helps increase chat sales, but it must be done in the right way. Live chat agent performance has to be evaluated to determine how effective it is.

Customers love to shop online, they feel the freedom of looking around, compare products and services, brands and when needed, they interact with live chat agents. Live chat support is essential and businesses that want to keep their customers close should not hesitate to invest in live chat agent performance. There are amazing tools nowadays and solutions that analyse how effective your chat system is, how agents talk and where is the problem, why customers leave the website after having discussions online. Afterwards, solutions and training are provided, and agents will improve their means of communication, controlling their spelling, tone, body language and more.

Not every person wants to talk over the phone with the sales representative or someone from the customer services. Some prefer chatting, it is more discrete and direct interaction is not required. Businesses can benefit from this greatly, as they can save money on telephone expenses and they can train their agents. Not to mention that agents can be multitasking, they can chat with multiple customers at the same time, they can verify products and availability, offer information and such. Taking two or more phone calls is not possible, but having multiple chat windows is not an issue.

Customers can be easily convinced that they are making the right decision by buying from your online shop, they are assisted by chat agents and given all the information they need. Some companies opted for chatbots, which respond automatically and don’t offer that user-friendly experience. People are not very fond of them and they like to interact with others. Not to mention that agents understand people’s needs and they can answer without hesitation, as they know everything about products and services advertised on the website.

Helping a website remain competitive and beating competition is not an easy task, but it is possible when you make the right choice in terms of live chat training solutions. You have a chance to increase chat sales and see how your business develops, how customers keep coming back and how they remain on the website for a longer time, even order more than initially intended. There is no question about it, live chat support must be implemented by online businesses, but assuring proper training needs to be on the agenda as well. Agents have to know how effective communication is, how to interpret what customers really want and anticipate what they are going to say. Offering the right responses will trigger bigger sales.

Have you assessed the company’s live chat agent performance? If you want to see better results and you are willing to invest in your agents and increase chat sales, then you have found the right solution right here.