Today's Youth Problem

Author: Pankaj Ag

Nowadays we are seeing that when today's youth start comes in puberty age they start to find their true love. Means they think it's hard to live life without partners. In colleges or even in schools we can see boys and girls first attract towards each other and after that, they come in the friend zone and after some time, this zone converts into love and start talking to each other. And they start to do anything for him/her in opposition to parents. Even we can see the cases of suicide in India increasing day by day. The reason for so much suicide may be a fake or wrong relationship. Because these relations directly war on the mind and all time our mind start to think about him and people calls it that they are in love.But actually, it's only attraction. If we think about the problems of today's youth then mostly is love. The couples who are in love are sad even those who are not in love they also stress how can make partner. Love.....It's impossible to understand the love between a friend of girl and boy. Because it says that a girl and a boy can never be only a friend. Because this friendship changes into love. It's not easy to know that when their friendship changes into love. So as time passes these relationship becomes bored or irritating. So again they think about the new partner. And again they try for another boy or girl. And this process makes him so much tensed...until they try.If by stopping all these Bulgar things if we focus on our future then we can do many good things for self and parents also. Only we need to change the vision. And success can make you much better person. You need to focus only your dreams in life. You will definitely get the right person at right time.

So start thinking for yourself from today. Your parents have too many hopes for you. They satisfied too much with you. These all relationship are only wastage of time, money, emotions and feelings.For more motivation and know about love click on