C_TAW12_750 Dumps with Real C_TAW12_750 PDF Questions Answers 2018

Author: Jessica Fay

Question: 1

You want to translate dynamic text in a web dynpro. From which abstract class should you inherit?

Please choose the correct answer.






Answer: B

Question: 2

What are characteristics of a hashed internal table?

There are 2 correct answers to this question.


A. It can be accessed using the key.

B. It must have a unique key.

C. It can have a non-unique key.

D. It can be accessed using the index.

Answer: AB

Question: 3

Which of the following functions does the ABAP Dispatcher perform?

There are 2 correct answers to this question.


A. It directs HTTP requests from an SAP system to a web server.

B. It enables communication between SAP systems and external application systems.

C. It distributes user requests among available work processes.

D. It communicates with other instances in the system.

Answer: CD

Question: 4

The USER has the following fields: ID, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME. FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME have the same basic type and length. You want to compare fields FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME to each other.

Which of the following SELECT statements can you use?

There are 2 correct answers to this question.



WHERE first name = users »last_name.


WHERE a»first_name = a»last_name

C. SELECT*FROM users INTO TABLE It_users WHERE first_name = users last_name

D. SELECT*FROM users AS a INTO TABLE It_users WHERE a first_name = last_name.

Answer: AB

Question: 5

The statements CALL BADI and GET BADI are used for which type of BAdIs?

Please choose the correct answer.


A. Classical BAdI

B. New BAdI

C. None of the above

D. Classical DDic

Answer: B

Successfully passing an important C_TAW12_750 test can be a time consuming and monotonous process. Many hours of studying exam questions to pass a test are often needed to achieve a passing score. However, there is an effective method of creating your own practice exam that can greatly increase your chances of success.

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Test Information:

Total Questions: 100

Test Number: C_Taw12_750

Vendor Name: SAP

Cert Name: SAP certified Development Associate

Test Name: SAP Certified Development Associate - ABAP with SAP NetWeaver 7.50

Official Site: https://www.certschief.com/

For More Details: https://www.certschief.com/exam/c_taw12_750/