Crane Load Cell
Crane Load Cell – Helping you Measure the Weight
What is it?
Forming an integral part of a Load Moment Indicator (LMI), These are transducers which measure the load on lines in the cane and heavy lifting industry. The load of heavy objects presents digitally to you and the computer system. To put it even more simply, it is essentially a sensor which measures the weight that a crane is lifting with a built in scale. Modern day Load Cells come as wireless, digital devices which can be consolidated with the Load Moment Indicator; together, they tell you how much your crane weight your crane can lift, thereby, resulting in maximized output and crane & surrounding safety. Good crane load cells typically feature a minimalistic design, lasting battery life and resistance to external environmental factors. While a number of load cells exist (such as the pneumatic and the hydraulic load cell), the most commonly used load cell is the strain-gauge load cell.
How it works
Any Load Cell in general performs the essential function of converting the force which is being applied (through the lifting of weights by the crane) into digital signals. The reason why these are generally preferred over other measurement sensors is that they’re quicker and more precise.Every type of load cell works on its own principle to measure the force applied. However, after ascertaining the force, the load cell directly displays the measurement by converting the reading into a digital output for your viewing. They also allow you to assess and analyze the measurements in a chart form. By connecting your (presumably compatible) Load Moment Indicator to the Load Cell, you can enable the load cell to indicate your LMI in case of any weight limit being reached, upon which your LMI would alert you regarding the same. This is the basic practical principle on which these cells are used. Other than that, strain-gauge load cells are preferred for their lasting life, minimal design
How it applies to crane safety
When a crane lifts weights greater than its maximum capability to do so, it can lead to unwanted troubles such as cracks and other wear and tear on the crane and the other machines involved. Over a prolonged period of time, this can result into faulty performance of the crane thereby posing a threat to all the stakeholders involved, be it the crane, the objects being lifted or the objects and the people in the surroundings. By using good quality Load Cell, you can reduce such possibilities. Typically, good quality load cells give accuracy of roughly 1% and are resistant to dirt and corrosion.
Other than aiding you in maintaining safety of your crane and the surroundings, another industrial benefit is that it helps you know the maximum capability of your crane to lift weight which in turn allows you to increase your productivity and therefore profits.
Ideally, your seller should offer you a warranty of more than 1 year on your load cell owing to its long lasting life.
Choose the Load Cell you need! LSI Wireless offers some wide range of Crane Load Cell devices for your needs from 100,000 to 250,000 LBS, you can find a Load Cell of your choice. There are other options to choose as well, including Crane Cable Reels and Boom Angle Sensors.