Help Your Little Ones Get Over Their Fears Using Worry Dolls

Author: Sara Walker

Does your child have trouble falling asleep at night because of the dark or because of the scary monster under the bed? Dealing with kids with sleeping anxiety is not easy—but certain strategies can help. Parents around the world have been using worry dolls and finding them to be effective in helping their kids ease into slumber. What exactly are these dolls and how can they help the little ones get over their fears?

Worry dolls originated from Mexico and Guatemala. They are small dolls with Mayan clothing typically made of pieces of wood, yarn, and fabric, and are mostly handmade. According to the popular Mayan legend, the sun god gave this doll to a Mayan princess—a doll that will solve all the problems that she will ever be concerned about. The legend stuck, and for many generations, indigenous people have been making their own worry dolls and using them as a remedy for fears and anxieties that keep them awake. Even in modern times, child psychiatrists use worry dolls to relieve children from anxiety and fear. Most children that have used worry dolls find them effective that they some of them even bring it anywhere they go—just like a regular doll.

In order for the ‘magic’ to work, worry dolls should be placed under a child’s pillow. The doll will then take away all the child’s worries and bless him with a good night’s sleep. When he wakes up, his worries will no longer bother him. Another variation of the legend requires the child to tell the doll about all his concerns, and then place it inside a wooden box before going to bed. The more worries the child has, the more worry dolls are needed.

Since sleeping anxiety is common in children, worry dolls are traditionally given to them. These dolls are popular gifts for adults, too. You can make your own worry doll for your child or for yourself using a variety of materials you have at home. But if you don’t have time or if you don’t have crafting skills, then it’s more practical to simply buy them online. You will find them in different sizes and designs. When buying in bulk or wholesale, make sure that the online shop provides huge discounts.