Importance of Different Ways of Communication When Dealing with People with Dementia

Author: Seasons Alzheimer’s Care and Assisted Living

Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia are progressive conditions that will eventually cause your loved one’s ability to communicate to diminish. Conversing with them can become challenging and stressful for this reason. But don’t worry—specialists involved in dementia care in San Antonio, TX recommend several strategies. These tips can help you communicate with loved ones who have memory problems and learn how to understand them, even with non-verbal communication.

  • Touch – The easiest way to communicate with your loved one is by touching them. They can let you know how they are feeling through their gestures, too. Touching is a caring action; all you really have to do to start is to take one of their hands and hold it in both of yours to communicate reassurance. You can try touching their back or shoulder when you walk past them or when serving food, too.
  • Facial expressions – The six basic facial expressions are sadness, disgust, surprise, fear, anger, and happiness. We often subconsciously use a combination of these. The way you look at your loved one can already say a lot to them, so be careful, as what you do can affect them. Caregivers offering dementia care in San Antonio, TX are trained to identify, understand, and use the right facial expressions.
  • The tone of your voice – Your manner of speaking, your voice’s pitch, your silence, and your pauses can reveal your emotions and the truth behind the words that you are saying. People with dementia in San Antonio, TX pay attention to how you speak to them, and they are more likely to respond well to friendly tones. So be mindful of how you speak and make sure you sound friendly and loving. That way, your loved one is more likely to smile and perk up. If they are upset or excited about something, try your best to speak to them with a calm voice to avoid agitating them further.
  • Eye contact – It’s natural for most people to look at what they like and look away from what they don’t like. By looking at your loved one while communicating with them, you can convey interest in what they are saying. You are also making them feel like you understand them.