Is Traditional Marketing Dead?

Author: Mark Da Silva

Ever since the rise of the Internet, traditional marketing has been a hot topic of discussion for marketing firms across Australia as to whether it is still an effective vehicle to advertise a brand’s core messaging. We have decided to weigh-in on the hot topic of debate and offer our two cents.

As a digital advertising agency, Concept Marketing incorporates digital advertising in a lot of the client campaign and marketing strategies for our clients. Our full service marketing firm specifically tailored marketing strategies which is no surprise that our loyal clients continue to come back to us, year after year. In fact, since the beginning of the Concept Marketing story we have one client that is with us for the past 10 years, and counting.

What is traditional marketing?

Traditional marketing relates to a piece of copy that is promoted through the medium of newsletters, flyers, billboards, newspaper print advertisements, television commercials and radio. As a marketing firm, For us, the latter three are particularly very popular choices for our large volume of clients that we work with. So popular in fact that close to 100% of our clients have traditional marketing incorporated as must-have features in their marketing strategy campaigns.

Traditional marketing versus digital marketing

In terms of measuring if traditional marketing is effective, as an marketing firm, we feel it is important to observe how consumers satisfy their media diet. Do you listen to the radio? Do you observe billboard notices? Do you read the print edition of the newspaper? Do you receive flyers when walking down the street? What’s that we hear you answer? Yes, yes, yes and possibly, yes.

Indeed truth can be said that we are living in an age of click, scroll and logon to view our emails, read the news, buy the grocery shop and check the amount of likes we got on our most recent social post on one of our five social media profiles. We see a large amount of our clients jumping on the SEO bandwagon to improve their ranking, wanting to give their website a complete makeover or are in search of a strategy that will ensure they reach 100K followers.

Our conclusion

To answer the headlining question; is traditional marketing dead? We feel that while there has been technological advancements in the way in which we saturate ourselves with the media that is not to say that traditional marketing is dead and no longer serves a purpose. The way we see it, is that while digital advertising agency work is multi-faceted, traditional marketing has not been replaced by digital advertising. Digital marketing is more of an extension of the fundamental function traditional marketing serves.