Wide open spaces
Most people choose to purchase parcels of land for either long-term investment purposes or for a quick return on an investment.
Even though these are not the best of financial times, there are still some bargains that can be had when attempting to buy land in the Midwestern regions of the United States.Most people choose to purchase parcels of land for either long-term investment purposes or for a quick return on an investment. When you own land or any other type of real estate it’s much like having money in the bank.
Some of the advantages to buying land in the Midwest, or in other areas as well, is the fact that land is pretty much an investment that can be controlled by the purchaser. And if you purchase rural land it can be a means of escape if you plan on building things like vacation homes or some type of resort real estate.
If you take the time to do the adequate research you may be able to find some of the very best land for sale in Nevada or some of the best land for sale in Wyoming. One of the big attractions to purchasing land in these two states is the fact that the property taxes are low. And a purchaser can probably negotiate the price of the land with a small amount for a down payment along with manageable monthly payments.
This type of land in the Midwest is generally sold in amounts of acreage, which is yet another advantage because flat unprocessed land cannot be destroyed by natural disasters such as fires, and it cannot be stolen from you.
There are many parcels of land that can be bought in the Midwest that are used for camping, hunting, hiking, and horseback riding just to name a few. Sometimes elderly couples will purchase a few acres of land just to be able to pass it along to their grandchildren.
A lot of the parcels of land are zoned for agricultural purposes or single-family dwellings. While other parcels are zoned for ranching or farming. However, other types of building and structures are set by government agencies and must be kept in strict compliance with those rules and regulation. The local county in which you purchase the land would be able to inform the purchaser what restrictions they must follow and what type of building permits are necessary.
Also, when you buy property in the Midwest the consumer will have the right to drill on the land for domestic water if he or she so desires. With that being said, there is a limitation of approx. 1800 gallons of usage per day. And there is no commercial water available on these types of properties. Also when it comes to retrieving water the proposed buyer is informed ahead of time that there is not a guarantee that once they drill for water that they will have success in tapping water from the well, nor will they guarantee that the quality of water from the well will be sufficient for drinking or bathing, etc.
And as far as the mineral rights, other owners have previously reserved this commodity.
People have been known to purchase this type of acreage (around 150 to 160 parcel of land) and paid under $300 a year in taxes.
Also, the consumer will have the right to construct a road if they need to in order to have reliable access to the property if no road is in existence. And they may do across recorded easements if necessary.
Therefore, if you are interested in purchasing this type of acreage for investment purposes or for family-owned land, now is the time for you to begin your search for some of the best land deals that you can find in the Midwest.
Resource box:
If you are looking for Best Land For Sale In Nevada and Best Land For Sale In Wyoming, the author suggests GovernmentAuction.com.