ThreatConnect Joined Hands with McAfee Enterprise Security Manager

Author: Maria Williams

McAfee and ThreatConnect, the two cyber security providers that have been working on providing security against the online threats, virus attacks as well as various network issues have integrated their services. Through the integration of ThreatConnect with the McAfee Enterprise Security Manager, ThreatConnect with McAfee Security will be enabling the deployment of more robust McAfee solution against the threats.

ThreatConnect, one of the organisations providing the powerful defensive protection against the cyber threats via threat intelligence platforms. ThreatConnect has designed a product suite for building an extensible security platform and for providing the threat intelligence aggregation, analysis, automation and orchestration needs of security at high level. Hundreds of companies and the organisations have been already enjoying exceptional security features and enhanced asset protection that ThreatConnect is providing through its wide selection of products.

ThreatConnect is being a part of McAfee Security Innovation Alliance, has been delivering the enhanced security capabilities in order to simplify Threat Defence lifecycle to the users. The basic idea of this integration is to enable the users to deploy more robust security solution along with providing a better protection to their devices against the cyber threats.

In a short conversation with the CEO of the ThreatConnect, Adam Vincent has told about the additional features of the product that are also included along with the availability of the feature of ThreatConnect Intelligence. This joint solution also includes the feature of protecting the networks, process building for threat identification and enables speedy response in a measurable way. He also told that they are looking forward to more future aspects in order to expand the product partnership with McAfee.

This integration has also been appreciated by D.J. Long, the head of McAfee Security Innovation Alliance and told that this joint solution will be encouraging powerful new workflows for security and compliance, keeping it as the key goal of the McAfee Security Innovation Alliance program.

Maria Williams is a renowned technical writer. She has been keeping a stern concern over the updates and errors of various anti-virus and security software. Through her blogs and articles, she strives to deliver the information in order to make awareness about the updates and error fixing methods.

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