Gina Rosato Law Firm, P.A.

Author: Gina Rosato

Bankruptcy can be a good option for you if:

  1. You are overwhelmed with mounting debt and regardless of how much you are working your not making a dent in the principal balance.
  2. You are avoiding harassing creditor phone calls.
  3. You are not taking care of yourself physically because you can’t afford to go to the doctor.
  4. You are constantly stressed and anxious due to your financial situation.
  5. Your wages are being garnished or your assets have been seized to pay for an outstanding judgement against you.
  6. Your have gone through the foreclosure process with a deficiency judgment.
  7. You are making a habit of taking out cash advances to pay back other lenders.
  8. You are calling friends and family to borrow money to pay for your regular living expenses.
  9. You are selling your few assets to pay bills or floating checks without money in your account, hoping you can make a deposit before it is cashed.
  10. You have drained your retirement account to pay your bills.

If you are experiencing these situations, then bankruptcy is a valid consideration for you. Bankruptcy can give you a fresh start and the opportunity to become financially stable again. Many people feel they have been defeated or embarrassed if they file for bankruptcy. Most people only consider bankruptcy as an absolute last resort. Unfortunately, most people do not consult with an attorney until their situation is urgent and they have depleted all of their savings when they would have been in a better financial situation by consulting with an attorney earlier rather than later.

The Gina Rosato Law Firm, P.A. is a Tampa Bankruptcy Attorney located in Tampa, Florida and assists clients who need a personal bankruptcy. Call (813) 463-8000. If you are in need of a bankruptcy lawyer and need to evaluate your situation call today. We will help you determine if you need to file a bankruptcy. Your initial phone consultation is free. Our lawyers will determine if you should file a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy after carefully evaluation your financial situation.

The Gina Rosato Law Firm, P.A. is able to assist you in dealing with your credit card, medical and other debts. Know your options. Our main office is located in Tampa, Florida. Please call 813-463-8000 for your free initial phone case evaluation today.

The hiring of an attorney is an important decision. The information contained in the press release should not be construed as legal advice or the formation of an attorney/client relationship. Legal advice is case specific and requires the attorney have specific knowledge regarding all the facts of your case before giving you an opinion. For more information please contact our Law Firm.

Gina Rosato Law Firm, P.A.
