Metal Detectors in East Africa | Walk Through Metal Access control system
There are several detectors Kenya products tailor made to offer guaranteed results in the fight against terrorism they include:
Hand held metal detector Kenya - These are affordable devices that can because to detect any metal objects that could be harmful.Visitors getting into your building are searched using this detectors. They are easy to use and you can train your guards in a very short time how to use them. We also supply the very popular and effective metal detectors Kenya.
Walk Through Metal detectors
Access control system
Pertaining to the growing demand and security concerns, access control has always been vital for every organization. Main objective of the Access Control is to begin with – protect physical, IP and human assets. This requires restricting unauthorized people from reaching pre-defined areas. Moreover, the basic question of who, where and when with adequate flexibility and scalability needs to be addressed with door access control system. To meet this requirement, Matrix COSEC presents an adaptive, modular, scalable and function-rich Access Control solution. It is designed to meet access control needs of any organization irrespective of its size, locations, layouts, and timings. In addition, a range of value-added features like Anti-Passback, 2-Person rule, First-In User, Blocked Users, Door Auto Re-lock, Guard Tour, Man-Trap and Smart Card based Identification ensures Fool-proof security of physical assets and safety of manpower.
Access control system provides security by giving flexible control over who is allowed to enter your premises.
Finger Print Access:- Bio metric Access Control System uses fingerprint instead of card system for access. The Access Control System not only permits entry but also gives the data regarding the entry of persons. The Attendance Software can be integrated with any existing payroll software and it gives automatic record of information generated by the Attendance System and this saves time and resources in recording. It increases productivity and profitability for any organization.It is important to note that the signal strength and duration of the signal varies from object to object. Iron produces a larger and longer signal than gold and that is why a similar sized piece of iron will produce a stronger signal than gold and be easier to detect!
So if you are wildly swinging your detector and finding small pieces of iron like staples and no gold, remember it may be the technique you are using that is preventing you detecting those small pieces of gold. It does not follow that just because you are finding small fragments of iron you will also always find the small gold!