Different Types of Commercial Fire Alarms
Before you invest in a new commercial fire alarm system, it is necessary for you to learn about the types of fire alarm systems available on the market. This is necessary to make an informed decision. Otherwise, you may end up buying the wrong type of system that will waste your time and money. Basically, you can choose from two categories, manual or automatic when it comes to buying a fire alarm system. Here are the 3 different types of alarm systems that you can consider for the security of your commercial setups
1. Conventional Fire Alarm
A conventional fire alarm system includes several different zones, hardwired to a central control panel. With this type of fire alarm system, you can set different fire alarms in different sections of the building. This system is inexpensive and suitable for smaller facilities. You should always hire the company that provides high end services related to fire alarm installation in North London. This will help you to save money on your next conventional alarm system installation.
One drawback of the conventional system is that when a building component gives a signal and it emerges on the control panel, then you won’t be able to identify the concerned building component. If you have a small commercial setup, then a conventional fire alarm can work for you.
2. Addressable Fire AlarmAddressable fire alarms are the modern-day systems, also known as "intelligent systems". This system gives you the freedom to choose from manual or automatic alarms as per your preference. Unlike a conventional system, an addressable fire alarm system indicates the address of the building component on the panel of the fire alarm. This system is a good choice for larger facilities that requires quickly pinpointing the origin of the signal.
These are the systems that will save you a lot of time because you don’t have to manually look for the component that has produced the signal. Such advanced monitoring features make an addressable fire alarm expensive than the conventional systems.
3. Hybrid Fire AlarmThe facilities that need the combined benefits of both addressable and conventional fire alarm systems can buy a hybrid alarm system. A hybrid alarm system combines the addressable loops of an addressable fire alarm with conventional fire alarm’s hardwired zone features. You should only buy this type of system if you are sure that your facility requires a system with combined technology of an addressable and conventional fire alarm system.
All three types of the fire alarm systems are used in the different types of commercial facilities. First, you should choose between the manual and automatic type. After that, you should read about the conventional, addressable, and the hybrid alarm systems as per the specific requirements of your commercial building.
After deciding the type of fire alarm system to buy, you should hire the best fire alarm system installation company for effective results. The person with adequate knowledge of the security systems should talk to the installation company. The professional company will evaluate your building and work according to the requirements of the local building code. By considering a licensed and experienced company for fire alarm installations in North London you will be able to install the right fire alarm system at the right place in your facility.
This guide will help you to make an informed decision when you are looking to replace or install a new fire alarm system in your commercial building. Remember that a little research before making the final decision can save you a lot of time and money while avoiding future hassles.