Heavy Cost Coverage for Hypnotherapy in Sydney

Author: Jeremy Barbouttis

Hypnosis is one of the world’s oldest sciences and Egyptians were using hypnosis as early as 3000 BC. Hypnosis is a natural state that makes the mind of a person absorbed in a thought by the skilled voice of the Hypnotherapist.

Definition, Types, and Functions of Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is a proven and safe type of complementary and alternative medicine in which a person imagines a different situation or things to help with breaking bad habits or coping with stress. The different types of Hypnotherapy are—

  • Traditional Hypnotherapy
  • Ericksonian Hypnotherapy (invented by Milton H. Erickson)
  • Solution-focused Hypnotherapy
  • Cognitive/Behavioral Hypnotherapy
  • Curative Hypnotherapy
  • In Sydney, there are many such Hypnotherapy clinics. The Australian Hypnotherapists Association founded in 1949 grants full time Australian professional hypnotherapists. Among various hypnotherapy programs, Virtual Gastric Band Hypnotherapy is highly successful for weight loss. This is pioneered in the UK by Sheila Granger. It is a non-surgical method and it encourages the individual to eat food in a small amount and 95% are satisfied with this therapy.

    Fear, depression, addiction, bad habits, anxiety, shame, relationship difficulties and low confidence can ignite negative thoughts. The person needs to hold patience as it takes time. Hypnotherapy can treat:

  • PTSD
  • Depression
  • Migraines
  • Performance anxiety
  • Addictions
  • Weight problems
  • Anxiety & Stress
  • OCD
  • Grief
  • Cancer
  • Childbirth
  • Sleep
  • Dementia
  • Fees for consulting a Hypnotherapist

    People can pay for retail therapy, socializing, trips, drinking, smoking, shopping but spending money on hypnosis is still extravagant or unnecessary. Before visiting a Hypnotherapist they start thinking about the fees though it is a very successful treatment. Here are some tips for heavy cost coverage for hypnotherapy in Sydney. Many hypnosis centers give free telephone consultation. Some offers for a discount even. The first hypnosis session is the initial consultation which takes 2 hours in duration. The half-hour is free of charge and if the patient is not happy can cease the therapy without paying any fee. The subsequent hypnotherapy sessions are between 1-1.5 hours in duration which consist of hourly rates. Generally, for a permanent positive result, it requires 3-6 sessions but 4 seem to work as well. The client can pay the fees per session or can pay altogether for the 4 sessions. The hypnosis therapy costs from $50-$275 or more per session. It also varies according to types of hypnotherapy.

    Most insurance companies do not cover hypnosis but cover therapy that includes hypnosis. Medicare covers hypnotherapy for certain conditions as such the customer is treated by licensed professionals then the insurance cover 50% to 80%. In other cases, professional therapists will incorporate hypnotherapy techniques into their more traditional techniques which make it easier to get insurance coverage.