Vegan Yogurt and Kefir and Yogurt Starter
how to make Vegan Yogurt and Kefir:
- Pour your cooking utensils and containers with some boiling water before you start the process. This kills the bad bacteria which may reduce the potency of the culture.
- The dairy alternative should be of the highest quality with no preservatives.
- Heat 1L of milk on low flame to lukewarm. Stir Continuously.
- Add a tea spoon of sugar and stir till dissolves.
- Take a small quantity of milk and add the culture grains to it. Mix thoroughly and add to milk.
- Mix all together and remove from flame. Transfer the milk to a clean container and incubate. It ideally takes about 16-24 hours for the yoghurt to set (please use yogurt-maker) and about 24-48 hours for Kefir (at room temperature). The separated layer can be seen on the top as a liquid.
- Take this container and refrigerate for 3 hours to let it thicken more.
- Take it out and strain it. Your yoghurt or Kefir is ready!
Freeze-dried Yogurt starter
These are basically active cultures which when process with milk produces yoghurt. They are available in packets and sold as ready-to-use bacterial blends. They are usually a mix of sugar which support bacterial life and active lactic bacteria like Audiophiles, L. case, Bacillus Bulgarians etc. They are extremely easy to use and make consistent yoghurt every time. The procedure of making the yoghurt is the same. The freeze-fried yogurt starter trigger the fermentation process and ferments milk into yoghurt. Not only are they handy, they are cheap as well and available easily in the market too.
Making Kefir with a freeze-dried starter
Making Kefir with a freeze dried starter requires precise temperature setting and other accessory components. An ideal temperature of 65C is required when heating the milk. Kefir culture can be reused from every batch you make. After having kept the mixture for about 36+ hours at room temperature and the Kefir has formed, just take out 3 tablespoons of it and save it. This Kefir from the previous batch will work as the Kefir started for the new batch as this time please reduces the incubation time. Thus, Kefir made once can be passed down through generations with authentic culture. This is called re cultivation. Preservation of this should be very clean with no any additives. Contamination could ruin the entire thing since it will be consumed later. Keep in a clean and dry place and pass on the torch of Kefir culture as a heirloom recipe!
Authentic Yogurt | Authentic Kefir | How to make Kefir | How to make Yogurt | Vegan Yogurt | Kefir for Authentic Heirloom | Yogurt Kefir | Kefir starter