5 ways to overcome a creative rut

Author: Deccan Rummy

Eventually, at some point in our lives, we all get into a creative rut. Ask any artisan or designer or even a musician, they all have faced creative rut at one point or the other in their career. In fact, they would describe that the creative rut they faced has inspired them to push beyond their limitations. Similarly, for writers, they call it as a writer’s block. A writer would make sure that immediate piece coming after a creative rut is memorable.

For many of us, creative rut occurs due to lack of inspiration. It’s not as if the creativity vanishes out of you all of a sudden on one dreadful day. It’s perfectly normal for ourselves to go into a shell once in a while. We must make sure we do not allow this creative rut to jeopardize our career in any way. Let’s get one thing straight – creativity does not come every time in bursts and waves. There might be some roadblocks; it’s completely natural to ebb at times. So if you’re in a creative rut, follow these simple steps that would help you channelize your inner energy and break out from your dry spell.

1. Try changing your routine

Are you someone who lives your life with a rigid schedule? If not you may want to reconsider. While there is no doubt that routines are great, they are probably necessary at different points of our lives but it could hamper your creativity at times. Try changing your routine for some period of time. Who knows a change of routine can bring about the creativity in bursts and waves? Perhaps all your brain requires is some extra test so that it can access untapped ideas. A fresh start away from the routine may help you tap lots of unused ideas.

2. Believe in yourself

When your inner thought process says NO, the outer parts obsequiously follow it. If you don’t believe in yourself, then it doesn’t matter how creative you are, you are bound to fail. When you give yourself a reassurance that you can do it, there is nothing unconquerable.

3. Meditate, Read Books & exercise, Play games

The above 3 ideas are easy ways to regain the belief that we discussed above. Meditation and exercise act as a great detox and most importantly, it helps our brain release chemicals like serotonin, endorphin, and dopamine that are effective in our well-being. It helps you streamline your thoughts together and channelize it in the form of positive energy. In the same way, pick a book that was your childhood favorite, it may help you to get your focus back. Play games that you love the most. Playing skill game like rummy will help you to relax and also improve your focus and concentration. We have seen many players play card games and win real cash so it’s add on along with the above said benefit. Whatever you do, do not do it in haste. Do it patiently like there’s never a tomorrow.

4. Change your location

When you are stuck in a rut, your mind will often circle around the things that are familiar to you. On such occasions, there is little chance to break free from the clutches of the creative rut. Consider moving to a location from where you draw inspiration to be creative.

5. Seek inspiration from the outside

When we are in a creative rut, it’s very difficult to draw inspiration from ourselves. The Internet is one of the easiest and biggest resources available for us to derive inspiration from. Browse the things that excite you, sites filled with images may stimulate you visually and inspiring words may get you going mentally.

The idea basically is not to allow the creative rut to stop; Allow it to inspire you and scale new heights beating it.