Features must have in the Android App Erstellen

Author: Webmaster SEO

When some people erstellen an Android App for professional use, few develop it just for fun. Here are few guidelines for you while developing an Android app, whether developing for a professional use or just for fun. So follow these and eigene app erstellen –

  • Firstly, you need to create an app, which is as small as possible in size. People prefer to download smaller applications as they require less space for storage and it takes lesser bandwidth to be downloaded to.
  • Secondly, the application shouldn’t be memory hungry and it should be easier to handle for the RAM of the mobile phone or the tablet PC. It should be noted that the budget phones still have some issues regarding the storage space and RAM. If you want to reach to a bigger mob, you need to care for those people using budget range phones. By creating a light and small application, you can easily increase your reach and popularity.
  • If the android application represents a website, then you need to make it much lower bandwidth consuming compared to the website. Focus on the premier services that the website provides. Actually, people look to work through the applications in these days instead of the website. So in short, you need to provide the maximum possible service against minimum space through the app.
  • Determine first if you are going to present the application in ‘free’ or ‘paid’ category. The entry for the applications just made by and for fun in amateur level is a strict no-no in the paid applications category. But that doesn’t mean that there are no utility and quality applications in free category. You can opt for a category called partially paid. You can provide the
application services free of cost for a particular period of time. You can ask for the payment from that subscriber if he/she wants to continue further.

  • Apart from the size and bandwidth usage, you must give a good look to the appearance of the application too. Without providing a good outlook and appearance, you will not be able at all to impress the downloader.
  • Don’t stick for one thing. You need to update the application you made from time to time according to the feedbacks of the client. Enable a feature which will request the users of the application to rate your application and provide the feedback.