How Regular Blogging Benefits Small Businesses?

Author: Darsh Thakkar

In today’s world, you have to make your digital brand strong because everyone is looking and buying from online channels. To capture all online channels you need to take benefit of expert digital marketing services. However, each business can’t afford a complete online marketing packages offered by the full service digital marketing agencies. This is true especially for small businesses and startups who struggle in investing in marketing.

Then, what should they do? Should they wait until the right time when they have a heavy budget to invest in expert digital marketing services?

No, not at all! The SMBs and any other businesses that don’t have enough money to invest on full service digital marketing can take benefit of its individual channels such as SEO, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, etc.

One of the most affordable digital marketing activities is: Regular Blogging.

What is Regular Blogging?

It is a process of SEO friendly content writing in your niche and posting it on your website on a regular basis. The SEO blogging is not just writing content and posting on the website. It includes a wide range of activities such as,

  • Researching top topics in your niche
  • Keyword Research
  • Writing SEO friendly content
  • Posting content on the website Blog
  • On page optimization of Blog
  • Title optimization
  • Meta description optimization
  • URL optimization
  • Hyperlink Optimization
  • Internal linking
  • External linking
  • Image optimization

To learn more details about it, please read a Regular Blogging: Complete Guide.

Wondering, why should you use the regular blogging?

The main strategy of any SEO expert is content marketing. The content marketing helps SEO experts to bring the best results on the table. The regular Blogging on the website is one of the best content marketing strategies practiced by the SEO specialists. In fact, there are many fascinated facts and benefits related to regular blogging.

Have a look at More than 50 Blogging Stats.

The Blog writing and posting can bestow a wide range of benefits to the businesses. Let’s list out the 20 major benefits small business or startup can receive from it:

  1. Boost your digital presence
  2. Index you on top rankings for Blog topics in search engines
  3. Boost your keyword rankings
  4. Optimize website
  5. Keep website content fresh
  6. Increase crawl speed of the site; get crawled instantly
  7. Attract more visitors to your site from various channels such as, organic, direct and referral
  8. Educate your prospects
  9. Establish your brand as an expert in the industry
  10. Increase the credibility of your business
  11. Build loyal readership
  12. Increase subscribers list
  13. Increase lead generation
  14. Increase lead conversion
  15. Improve revenues
  16. Get featured on other credible sites
  17. Attract inbound links
  18. Keep your website and business lively
  19. Bring engagement and interaction on Blog
  20. Help you find investors, partners, etc.

These are the 20 major benefits of regular blogging. Please be cautious from silly blogging practice which yields no results and you left with an impression there isn’t any benefit of it. The regular blogging can bestow many business benefits in lowest investment. All you need to do is you should hire a write expert of the agency.