Advices to Find Best Car Dealer Locally

Author: Ron Carson

Finding a reliable car dealership in your area can be difficult. Many factors go into the process of buying a new car. With these few tips in mind, you will be able to find the best and most reliable local car dealership.

This website has a complete listing of local car dealership. From there you can search the different types of vehicles in your area. allows you to search by state and allows you to locate car dealerships in your area, based on make.

Research Car Dealers Website

Shopping for cars online before heading to the car dealer has become the norm. Most car dealerships post their inventory online for you to look at. It is important to visit each dealer’s webpage and make your best judgment on the dealer’s website. If you find a car you’re interested in buying, but the dealership wants to up-charge you and is not reliable, unfortunately buying that vehicle may cause a big headache.

Read Dealer Reviews

You can find dealer reviews on websites such as, and, and even (though take Yelp with a grain of salt). Another source is contacting the Better Business Bureau to acquire any complaints that your local dealers may have had. If you look on the dealer’s website for reviews you will most likely only find positive reviews and ratings, because the dealers choose the reviews posted on their website.

Listen to advice and recommendations from peers and colleagues

If you know any friends, co-workers or family members who had experience with any of your local dealers, confide in them and learn about the details of their experience. Whether, the experience is positive or negative, any feedback from someone you trust can help tremendously in your search for the best local car dealer.

Research the car you want to buy

Research the vehicle’s price, incentives, financing and service and compare them to other dealerships you are interested in. Weigh the advantages and disadvantages to find the best deal. Some of this research may require actually visiting the dealerships itself. For example, if you are researching Car Dealers in Carroll, an organized way to compare dealerships is to create an excel spreadsheet with different names of dealers in the Carrollarea, and list columns such as "financing, vehicle price, rebates, etc." This will help you minimize any confusion between car dealerships.