Top 10 Thai Foods - You Should Never Miss It

Author: Abhinav Kumar

New York, the City that never sleeps,

is, just like any other major city of the world, also inhibited by natives from almost every country who come here to pursue their big American dream. Although not everyone ends up living the dream, most of them at least end up tasting the exotic food items available in the New York from all over the world.

One such flavor is of that offered by Thai food. Lots of Thai restaurants are located in New York but not every new comer to the city knows where to start from if they have taste for exotic food items. Here, we give you delicious info about some finger licking and luscious Thai food items that you can enjoy in New York.

  • Kai Yang: The method of cooking chicken in this method is indigenous to the people living in the country side of Thailand. Here, chicken is marinated in fish sauce, some soy sauce and garlic, and some other ingredients that you wish to add and then combine it with rice.
  • Green Chicken: The name is for those who are not familiar with the Thai language otherwise the dish is called Gaeng Keow Wan Kai. One of the must have dishes if you are a great fan of chicken.
  • Tom Yum: Here you have the most famous Thai soup which consists of Thai herbs along with fish, shrimp, or prawns, whatever you prefer.
  • Thai style fried noodles: One of the best noodles dishes that you have eaten so far. Stir fried noodles are prepared with fish, shrimp, soy sauce, tamarind pulp, and other necessary spices.
  • Papaya Salad: Also called Som Tam, it is prepared by mixing finely chopped papaya with spring onions and soy sauce. It is not only a delight to look at but also has a great refreshing taste.
  • Fried Rice: People from every origin have their own way of making fried rice. Similarly, Thai fried rice can be prepared with fish, shrimp, tofu, etc. The uniqueness of having fried rice is that they provide a good alternative to salads and soups.
  • Spicy Seafood Salad: The dish is prepared by combining shrimp, prawns, crabmeat or scallops with spring onions, juicy tomatoes, rice or noodles.
  • Thai Curry: This dish is quite popular because unlike other Thai dishes, it does not have many spices. Thai curry offers a good option for those who avoid spicy dishes.
  • Chicken with Cashew Nuts: Thai people call the dish Kai Med Ma Muang wherein, as the name suggests, chicken is prepared by blending with cashew nuts, onions, soy sauce and everything that you like.
  • Thai Omelette: Unlike other omelettes wherein you expect eggs mostly, Thai Omelette comes with rice and soy sauce and you can also ask for additional vegetables.

The list of Thai foods is never ending especially when you are a citizen of New York. It is not that you get to taste only traditional Thai food items in New York, chefs in the city are devising their own dishes as well by modifying the ingredients of these days so you get to taste transformation of these dishes as well. No meal is complete without dessert and Thai desserts are just delectable. While you taste any Thai dish, don’t forget to order mouth watering and palatable Thai dessert which consists of mango and stick rice, coconut ice cream, banana fritters, etc. Most Thai dishes tend to be spicy as they are accompanied by spices so it is also advised that while ordering your food, you must specify how spicy, or no spices at all, you want your food to be.

"People who love to eat are always the best people" - Julia Child