Mistakes to be avoided when editing a live article

Author: Navjeet Kaur

Editing an article that has been already published is good, but it depends on what you want to edit. If you edit an article for minor corrections, for example some misspelled word or a fact that needs to be updated, then editing will prove to be useful; otherwise it will not be a good option. Some mistakes that should be avoided when editing a live article are written below:

Replacing the already existing article with a new article

It is very important for your articles to be special and unique. Only a good article gets approval for publishing. In such a scenario, if you realize that minor changes need to be done to the article, then it is okay. However, if you are planning of replacing the entire article, then the new article should be containing new information and the theme should also vary.

Article needs to be in accordance with the editorial guidelines

Quality is the basic foundation of any article. Articles are subject to a review process, so as to ensure their quality, which cannot be compromised in any case. When you edit a live article, it should be in accordance with the editorial guidelines that have been established. So you should edit an article in such a way that it becomes compatible with editorial guidelines.

Omitting a link without updating referential context

Dead links are an ugly part of an article. Suppose some years from now you revamp your brand and redirect your website. Articles published with the previous link will be of no use to your existing website and brand. So you should remove those links and be sure about removing any context references, like "click here" and "visit my website" so as to avoid any confusion. In addition to this, if you swap existing link with a new one, then ensure that brand references are relevant to the article and are updated.

Swapping out Resource Box content with irrelevant content

Relevance is important, so as to maintain the trust of your reader. If you write an article about the state of world economy and then provide a link for an "upcoming movies" website, then your credibility will go down. You should be sure that your resource box and any other link should be 100 percent relevant to the article that you have written. As an alternative avoid removing resource box completely.

Wasting time on reconstruction of more than 10 percent of the article

If some small mistakes have been committed by you, then it is better to edit the article. If you think that there are major mistakes and it will impact your credibility then it is better to delete that article and write a new one with precise information. It will be beneficial for you and your credibility among the readers will also improve.

In some cases writing fresh, informative, accurate and original article is the better solution than editing an existing one. Even if you have to edit the article, it should be a minor change that you do; otherwise think of writing a fresh article with better content and accurate information.

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