Don’t discard it, Recycle it with Green Waste Disposal Geelong

Author: David McCoach

Waste management is a complex system, which requires a lot of effort and planning. Earth is experiencing a rise in temperatures due to global warming which is again a result of pollution and improper waste management. It is very important to manage waste and keep the earth clean to avoid the problems of global warming and toxic poisoning. All living organisms are suffering from the toxic waste generated by mankind on the surface of the earth. With the ever-increasing problems, it becomes important to handle this problem with extreme care and planning. The waste generated can be classified into two basic categories – Degradable and Non-Degradable. Each of these wastes requires different types of treatment for decomposition so that they cause less harm to our environment.

Green waste is a form of biodegradable waste consisting of tree scraps, hedge trimmings, bushes and unwanted shrubs. It also includes commercial and domestic food waste from households and large commercial organizations. But, sometimes the term does not cover the entire range of waste materials that come as a baggage with the actual biodegradable waste. People confuse e-waste with the green waste and you can often find metal alloys, lead batteries, circuit boards etc. which cannot be counted in the green waste category. The authorities have put down clear guidelines for segregating the green waste from the other types as each category requires special care and attention. Green waste disposal Geelong provides a great way of decomposing the green waste materials and recycling it for future purpose.

Recycle it!

Before moving to the ways of recycling green waste and making it useful for future, you must acquaint yourself with the types so that next time it is not mixed with other waste types. Green waste consists of grass cuttings, Hedge trimmings, leaves, branches, tree scraps, garden waste, Biomass etc. Each of these categories is carefully recycled as they can also cause a lot of harm in-case of improper disposal. Organic or green waste must not be decomposed in landfills as it allows for anaerobic decomposition, the result of which is methane gas which is gain harmful to the environment. Therefore, one of the most promising ways of decomposing green waste is using it to produce Biogas. Another most common way of recycling green waste is turning it into compost. It is a natural process of decomposition and provides manure for garden use. It is not always necessary to choose a commercial waste management firm to do your job, individuals can also manage green waste disposal by following simple steps:

Collect it

The first step in the waste management process is to collect all kinds of green waste. Collecting green waste requires some extra effort and a lot of patience. Maintain a bin for collecting green waste and deposit all food material, scraps, leaves and branches. The other waste products that can be included in the category of green waste are fruits, table waste and eggshells. One of the important points to remember while composting green waste is to separate meat and fish bones as it might attract pests and rodents.

Green Manure

While collecting green waste, you must include more than 50% of green waste. These items produce nitrogen and act as a catalyst for manure production. Green waste must be stored in outdoor pits and covered with a thin layer of soil or plastic wrap to avoid flies and other pests from sitting on it.

Segregate Brown from Green Waste

The rest 50% of the compost pile should be filled with brown waste. These waste products add carbon to the compost pile which can be found commonly in and outside your house. The brown waste consists of shredded paper and newspaper, leaves, twigs, dead branches, untreated sawdust etc.

Create your own compost corner

Select a corner in your house where you want to set up your compost pit. Set up a composting container at a shady location and close to the source of water. The container should be placed firmly on the ground so that it cannot be moved by children or pets. Secure the container with a lid and keep it warm and moist so that microorganisms can easily break down the materials to form compost.

Use it as you like it!

Once the materials have changed its colour to dark brown, then it is ready to be used your garden plants. Spread it across the pots and planting area and mix it into the soil using a garden tool.

However, you can also take help from professionals whose daily work involves green waste management. It is important to keep our cities clean for a better tomorrow and making earth a better place to live in.