Acknowledge your iPhone Photography with iShot On Watermark Stamper!

Author: Disha Parchani

Photos taken from an iPhone are really adored by each one just having a glance at it. This is because the photographs captured with an iPhone are as similar as if they are captured using a DSLR camera lens, Isn’t it?

With the great clarity offered and the numerous different built-in editing features, now it has also been well equipped with a great dual camera functionality which includes the most fame oriented portrait mode. Moreover, this started booming the market with a hashtag shot on iPhone 7 as well.

You use so many applications, filters and edits to make up your photograph look amazing to gather the kudos and enhance your photo gallery to a great level. But fo you really gather the credits you demand every time?

There are times when people even don't know the identity of the owner of the photograph captured. Happened to you too? You definitely need to get the perfect solution for your dilemma. Here’s where iShotOn Watermark Stamper makes your work go easy in a flow.

iShot On Watermark Stamper is a simple to use application which lets you to markup your photographs with cluster Shot On tags in variation as listed below:

Shot On Device Name :

This will showcase your mobile device and its camera functionalities among everyone

Example- Shot On iPhone 6s

Shot On Signature Tag:

This will label up each of your photos with your identity name, company name to disclose and crown your identity to everyone.

Example- Shot By Raza

Shot By Watermark Logo:

This will add mobile device brand logo to all your photos and also lets you add copyright and trademark to photos to secure them.

P.S. You can get these tags to your photos in two ways:

  • To your pre-captured Gallery Photos.

  • To click photos instantly with your inbuilt camera

Moreover, you are even getting numerous customization facilities i.e color combinations, font styles, stamping positions as per your wish and requirement.

iShot On is an all-in-one solution to get your photographs retained with your identity. The cherry on the cake is it is available free of cost on App Store.

So get your head straight on your phone and grab it now!