Tips For Care After Root Canal Treatmen

Author: Varun Mishra

A number of root canal treatment is being done by doctors on daily basis. When a cavity or some form of injury damages the root of the teeth, the need for a root canal arises. The recovery period of root canals is usually a few days and a majority of the patients manage to adjust to their post-treatment discomfort with the help of regular painkillers. If adjustment is to be made quickly, the patient has to follow the essential tips mentioned in this article.

The first thing that you should do after your root canal treatment is to take a painkiller. The consumption of painkiller should be done an hour after the treatment procedure is over. In this manner, the effects of the painkiller will start to show before the effects of local anesthesia subside completely, and thus does not allow any form of pain to creep in. It is usually recommended to take a painkiller that also plays the role of anti-inflammatory drug. Doing so will save you from both pain and swelling.

Many people have to take root canal because of an infection at the root or between gum and root. In such a situation, your doctor might prescribe you an antibiotic, and if so, you must not forget to take the prescribed dose.

Once you get your painless root canal treatment, you have to be very cautious in the days following the treatment. The area around the treated tooth remains sensitive for a few days after the treatment. As a result, any unnecessary activity might increase the risk of the damage and thus it is advised not to chew using the affected tooth until it is completely restored.

In addition to eating style, you will also have to control the type of food you eat for a few days after the painless root canal treatment. The food types that should be avoided are sticky, crunchy, or soft. Some examples of such foods are corn, apple, bread, chewing gums, etc.

Finally, you must take good care of your dental hygiene to prevent decay and infection from occuring. The things that should be included in your dental hygiene routine are brushing twice a day, using fluoride toothpaste, flossing, and cavity prevention mouthwash.