3 Ways to Avoid Paying More for Your First Class Ticket

Author: Blake Fleetwood

Every travel requires you to plan beforehand. You need to plan for the destination, the time duration, and the flight. The most difficult and tricky question is about the flight that you wish to pick. If you are traveling in normal class, you know that the travel could be cheaper, but not really worth remembering. The perks of traveling in business class or first class are better than anything else. Flying first class can make the hassles of air travel so much better. After all, who wouldn't appreciate a glass of cabernet while waiting for everyone else to board?

While everyone loves flying first class, not everyone wants to pay for it. First-class tickets can cost four times the coach fare, and it doesn't seem worth it for a short flight.

So how do you increase your odds of getting a first class ticket at cheap rates? Here are 3 things you can do to increase your odds of flying first class for less:

1. Dress Code

Remember when they say 'dress for the job you want'?

The same applies to tickets too. You wouldn’t want to look absolutely un-worthy of an upgrade, because your dressing says so. Nobody knows who you are unless you tell them who you are, and the first thing to tell people about whom/what you are is the way you dress.

If you dress up according to the class, you may end up getting an upgrade, without even asking for it.

2. Ask for Upgrade

When you want something, all you have to do is ask, and the same applies for tickets/flights too. When you check in, say to the agent: "If you are upgrading passengers on this flight, I would like to be considered." Be sure to smile. Many of the people gate agents deal with are complaining; you'll stand out if you're friendly and polite.

A smile doesn’t cost anything, but it can surely help you in getting through to your favorite class and seat on the flight as everyone likes a smiling face.

3. Travel during peak times or Give Up Your Slot

We all know the famous quote; "don't bite off more than you can chew"

The same applies to airlines too. If the flight has fewer passengers, chances are no one will be moved up, but what will happen during peak times?

Of course, if the flight has more passengers or has oversold the tickets, you may be eligible/lucky enough to get an upgrade.

Also, when the gate agent asks for people who are willing to give up their seat, volunteer if you can be upgraded on the next flight. You will experience the delay, but it might be worth it if you can fly first class.