Top Design Elements that Make an Ordinary Home Extraordinary

Author: Residential Attitudes

What other factors distinguish a luxury property from others, besides the hefty price tag? Traditionally speaking, it’d include sizes—but, today, luxury homebuyers set their sights on a range of different features. Every one of the leading luxury home designers in Perth knows that creating and sustaining the "wow factor" is a must while designing a plush space. That "wow factor" might include a sophisticated technology set-up, amazing finishes, or stunning designs.

In short, luxury properties definitely need something extra that’ll set them apart from all those ordinary homes. So, in this post, we’re giving the insights into all the top elements that’ll add enough oomph in your space.


Lighting is often overlooked, yet it’s one of the most significant elements of good interior design. The lighting structure is used for developing the ambiance and mood of a living area, so getting that right lamps and fixtures from the beginning is a must. Undoubtedly, getting luxury lighting design isn’t about where lights are placed or how bright they are; instead, lamps and light fittings themselves should complement the space’s overall design.

When these lighting fittings perfectly blend with a room’s style, they’ll give a new lease on life to the area. While you’re thinking about lighting, it’s important to factor in both natural and artificial light. However, optimising natural lighting’s use is important in terms of practicality and for appreciating a space’s beauty. A house that’s filled with sunshine is inviting, warm, and cherry. Plus, natural light will bring down the need to switch on artificial lighting during the daytime. (By relying on natural lighting, you can cut energy consumption by a whopping 50 to 80 percent.)


First impressions are made once only. So when it’s about your space’s interior design, the entrance will be the foremost element that’ll be experienced by anyone visiting your home. So make sure that your home’s entry should be one of the highlights of the entire space; because the space’s entry will let you make your first impression.

In the struggle to squeeze almost everything into the available floor plan, the entry is often the first casualty. However, if you sacrifice the space in this specific area, it’ll destroy the experience of your home visitor. Remember that it’s the entry that sets the tone of how a home’s overall decor and design are done.


Many luxury home designs in Perth give prominence to staircases. They are one of the most significant spaces in a home’s design, but often they get ignored or downright forgotten. As a rule of thumb, a good staircase will make sure that the transition from one space to another is seamless.

Staircases can even be used for emphasising the shift from a common area to more private spaces. In short, a good staircase should add to a space’s overarching design and make the visitors welcome into a home while creating some clear boundaries of privacy. Besides, you should pick the right banister that adds to the surrounding decor.

Planning to use all these elements to design your next luxury abode? If so, do it together with reliable homebuilders who have the experience to design luxury spaces that are welcoming and have their own attitude.