Recyclable Packaging Ideas are highly appreciated by the Makers and Customers
With the advent of vigilante organizations like Green Peace and other activist groups, the need for organizations to be eco-friendly has never been greater. Also with the advancements in technology and more and more innovative solutions being developed as a result, there are many options for eco-friendly solutions as well. Many contemporary organizations are trying to reduce industrial waste by using recyclable packaging. This greatly affects the amount of industrial waste and also the cost of preparing materials for use. Furthermore, many companies are promoting reusable options and are offering a longer lasting solution that can be used for storage purposes by the customers. An added benefit of the going green approach is a favorable image amongst customers that are supporters of environmentally friendly products. This article discusses ways in which eco-friendly materials benefit the not only the industries, but the brands and the customers as well.
Decreased Carbon FootprintPackaging that can be recycled helps reduce a company’s carbon footprint thereby improving the environment. Compostable materials such as cardboard and sawdust can be used to make compost heaps which yields nutritious compost for plants. Sawdust also contains mycelium, which may be called seeds for mushrooms. Customers do not need to discard such materials and can put them to good use in their gardens, thereby, not just saving the environment but also adding to it by growing farm produce and/or nurturing their home based plants.
VersatilitySurprisingly so, packages made from eco-friendly materials are more versatile than conventional ones and so the companies are at no loss. Non-recyclable materials tend to lack the versatility and can be used to package only a small range of products. Since recyclable materials are made from products that exist in nature, they’re a more likely to be fit for use for edible items, a big added plus for the food industry. However, in case of non-recyclable materials, the material used is most likely to be hazardous to human health and cannot be used to package edibles. A good recyclable material can be formed into any desired shape and color to go with your products. In essence, such ‘green materials’ tend to have greater use and can be used to package a wider range of products including consumer goods, edibles, promotional products etc.
Cost effectivenessWith governments’ actively promoting eco friendliness, most laws allow for government subsidies to companies that follow suit. This is a great incentive and maybe available in terms of tax breaks and or other subsidies. It would be a good idea to check with your local government body for subsidies.
Furthermore, with sustainable packaging materials companies can save even more by reusing it later. Many companies have resorted to shipping multiple products in a single box; this helps save costs and also the carbon footprint. Ever wondered why that family sized box of oatmeal costs less? It’s because the cost per unit of product packaged is lower when shipped in larger quantities.
Convenience in disposalCompanies that resort to compostable packaging materials don’t have to deal with extensive procedures to dispose it since it is not toxic to living organisms. This not only reduces costs but also has a positive impact on the environment since packaging materials, once disposed, do not create massive landfills of toxic materials hazardous to health and not to mention are an eyesore.
With stricter government regulation pertaining to company operations, it doesn’t make economic sense to resort to non-recyclable materials. Most companies resorting to non-recyclable packaging have to follow set procedures regarding waste disposal.
Taking a step back and performing a cost benefit analysis of eco-friendly and non-recyclable packaging, it is highly likely that the former would cost less due to reduced costs and increased subsidies.
Improved brand reputationWith the dawn of the global green movement, customers are highly likely to purchase from companies that have a low carbon footprint. It’s just how it works, companies that are more socially responsible and have environmentally friendly operations tend to have a positive impression on customers. This inadvertently has a positive impact on sales and revenues of the company over its competitors. Globalization has toughened competition for most industries and companies are struggling for that extra fractional percentage of market share. In a highly competitive environment, businesses need to make the most of a positive reputation and choose alternative packaging solutions.
Apart from subsidies offered by the local regulatory authorities, socially responsible companies also gain goodwill from them. This further enhances the likeability factor of a company.
It’s a game of conscienceNothing beats going to bed with a clear conscience. If it were all about the money, the poor would never get any sleep, if at all. The business dynamics have changed, as mentioned before, and organizations are willing to make their operations to make as much of a positive societal positive as possible. Adopting eco-friendly packaging materials, will definitely bring with it satisfaction from being a part of the positive crowd. In essence, a clear conscience will help improve the company owner’s quality of life.