Learn The Truth About Why Business Are Going Green!
We all are living in times when environmental issues are at their all-time highest ranking. Some countries are facing extreme situations of drought while others are getting severely affected by smog. Though, many developed and developing economies are trying different ways to curb the hazardous effects of global warming, the efforts are still not united.
Talking about businesses, if not all, most business organizations acknowledge the climate change issue. Taking the business point-of-view into consideration, organizations are looking forward to considering deploying ‘going green’ terminology in the business. This will influence and motivate the workforce to become a part of the green movement. There is a pretty high number of people who are still unaware of the issue and do not see the urgent need for action. While there is also a section of the population, which has zero understanding of ‘green projects’, mandating changes in green technology will make sure everyone is aware of the ‘going green’ concept.
There are a number of organizations adapting themselves to the green environment through green projects and green resources. The progress, however, is minimal. Businesses should accommodate new measurements and evaluation system to ensure that they improve. Companies are looking forward towards using return-on-investment and results-based policies which will eventually help them in identifying and developing green projects - adding value from economic, social and environmental perspective. But why? The reasons are numerous, some of which are listed below:
Public Image: There are numerous environmental organizations which are involved in ensuring that the economy goes completely green. These organizations do not hesitate in taking the necessary actions (destroying the company’s image, etc.). Companies undertaking green business follow a different – unfollowed pattern. Following the green business philosophy, the business will soon earn a reputation as the most sought-after organization by the environment-friendly young people who would prefer working in a green organization.
Saving Money In The Long Run: People and businesses focus on obtaining and producing things which are inexpensive and most of the time are not eco-friendly. This mindset of saving in the present results in losses in the future. On the contrary, investing in eco-friendly products though will shell out the few extra bucks from your pocket, but in the long-term will also prove to be highly profitable. E.g., buying LED bulbs now will cost you more, but in the future, it will allow massive savings (electricity bill and reduction in bulb replacement).
Going Green To Reduce Costs And Wastes: When a business decides to go green, there are two most possible benefits: reduced office wastes and decreased costs. These two factors when combined will automatically result in an increased business efficiency. Some examples are: cutting down paper consumption by writing on both sides or printing less will lead to less paper usage, turning off lights and fans when not required will help save energy; acts like these will certainly decrease your business expenditure. While some savings are reflected easily, some are only visible in the long-run.
Lower Taxes: Another important reason why businesses are keen on going green is – tax credit and deductions offered by the Government. The Government in every country is quite lenient in providing ‘green’ tax credit to encourage green business. Upgrading your business facilities towards energy conservation can earn you bonus points from the Government.
Helping The Environment: Apart from the intellectual reason for going green, it is also an important step to conserve the nature for our future generations. Supporting the decline of carbon-di-oxide emission and other gases will help in reducing the impact of global climate change while minimizing the use of paper and numerous other paper products can lead to the preservation of species habitat.
Above-mentioned are some reasons why companies want to pursue a green business. Helping the nature – is ultimately helping ourselves!
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