A Diet Guide to Hypothyroidism: Foods to Eat and Avoid

Author: Kiara Nelson

Thyroid hormone is considered to be a key factor when it comes to weight management and metabolism. Hypothyroidism or inactive Thyroid is quite prevalent among people nowadays. Although it has no cure, it can be managed by introducing a few minor changes in your nutrition and diet plan.

Foods to Avoid

Thyroid function can be inhibited by compounds in an array of foods. Therefore, it is best to avoid the following:

Avoid Soy

Studies have revealed that soybeans and soy rich foods have phytoestrogens which hinder activity of enzymes that produce thyroid hormones. A study has stated that women who consumed soy were exposed to greater risks of developing hypothyroidism.

Avoid Cruciferous Vegetables

Vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, watercress and turnip have a substance known as thiocyanate. This when consumed on an everyday basis can slow down iodine absorption that will affect your Thyroid levels.

Processed foods

Processed foods are just not right for this condition.They contain saturated Trans fats, sugar and starches which cause inflammation in the body. Inflammation hinders the conversion of T3 to T4 which is not suitable for hypothyroidism.

Iodine-rich foods

If your hypothyroisidism is caused due to lack of iodine, consuming iodized salt or food rich in this salt can help. However, excessive amount of iodine can cause a hindrance in thyroid gland activity.


Coffee intake should be restricted since it can interfere with medication taken for hypothyroidism.. Therefore, consuming 2-3 cups of coffee regularly can cause a rise in thyroid levels.

Foods Suitable for Consumption in Hypothyroidism

The following are the foods which can be consumed in order to accelerate weight loss and manage thyroid function:


Seaweeds are rich in iodine which is an essential nutrient for thyroid function. Iodine is a necessary element in the production of thyroid hormone. Seaweeds like kelp, wakame and Irish moss are rich in iodine and various other minerals and they can be used in soups, sushi and salads.

Foods Rich in Antioxidants

Foods such as bell peppers, blue berries, tomatoes, raspberries, plums and oranges are rich in antioxidants and they can improve thyroid function.


Selenium is responsible for activation of the thyroid hormones for its utilization for the human body. This mineral is extremely important for the body and it also protects the thyroid gland from molecules known as free radicals. Selenium is present in eggs, legumes, tuna, sardines and Brazil Nuts.


Zinc is another element that helps the body in triggering thyroid related hormones. Research has shown that zinc also controls the production of TSH which is responsible for the release of thyroid hormones. It is present in good amounts in foods like beef, chicken, shellfish and oysters.

Things to Keep in Mind while following a nutritious diet plan for hypothyroidism:-

  • If you wish to consume supplements along with your medication and diet, make sure that you consume them at least 1-2 hours prior to your food.
  • Goitrogens are substances that hinder function of thyroid gland by inhibiting enzymes that facilitate the use of iodine by the thyroid gland. "1". Therefore, it is necessary that foods rich in Goitrogens should be avoided. However, they should not be eliminated completely.
  • Drink at least 10-12 glasses of water and keep a bottle of water handy at all times.
  • Exercise for 30 minutes or more because hypothyroidism requires more exercise than a normal body.
  • Consume beverages like coconut water, lemon water or detox water.
  • Avoid anything with excessive salt in it such as pickles, preserves and nuts.
  • Diet plans and fat loss supplements should be consumed only after consulting a physician.

Kiara nelson, writes content based on health and wellness topics. She is best known for writing on nutritional supplements. Currently she is writing on weight loss supplements, for buysuperfoodnow.com. Her main focus is to provide information to those struggling with weight loss.