How to choose the right color for your app design?

Author: Recrosoft Technolopgies

Importance of choosing the right color

Most businesses today acknowledge the utility and necessity of mobile apps to expand brand visibility and outreach. The next important step is the app design. It is a no-brainer that your app must be user-friendly focusing on the user experience and user interface. In addition, a third component is significantly important, the app colors. No matter how useful and easy to operate your app may be, the wrong color choice may make it repulsive. The colors of an app must be in coordination with the app content and purpose. An app with misfit colors is unlikely to receive a popular response.

On the contrary, a right mix of hues, that complement the app design, will augment the app use exponentially. Colors of the app constitute the visual dimension of appeal and determine user attraction and loyalty. You are likely to have more users if your app colors catch the human eye. You must flip through different combinations, palettes and color meanings before you decide on the shades that will define your app.


The significance of various important colors

According to psychological studies, different colors trigger different human perceptions. Therefore, you must understand the significance of various colors, especially in the digital realm, before zeroing down on the color you want.

Red, as popularly known, signifies energy and passion and is most suitable for youth-centric apps.

Blue highlights prosperity and integrity and can be used to exhibit a sense of trust and loyalty towards the user.

Pink has increasingly become the color of the woman and is most appropriate for women-centric apps, or apps that may claim to break stereotypes.

White is a universal signifier of peace and harmony and an important element of an app to garner coordination between different palettes.

Green often has a dual meaning, of money and of nature and sustainability. Financial and environment apps find green the go-to color.

How to choose the right color for your app
  • Identify the target audience perceptions

While some colors have a universal meaning, many colors have distinct local perceptions. You must take into account the meanings of different colors for your target audience. A misfit color meaning to your app can bring disastrous results. Additionally, different colors may have different meanings for different generations. The point to ponder remains that unless you understand the underlying meaning your audience attaches to different colors, deciding on the color preferences is a futile task.

  • Comprehend your brand philosophy and identify a complementary color palette

It is extremely important that your color scheme is an extension of your brand philosophy and vision. Every brand has a guiding value that makes it different from others. Make sure the colors you use exhibit this philosophy to the users. Coordination between philosophy and colors will make it easier for your users to identify more with the brand. The perfect color and philosophy match will become a self-marketing tool for your app. It will communicate the brand utility to your users without a single word.

  • Decide the color of your app icon

The app icon will be the first thing your users will see when they access your app. It is the colors of the icon that will make the first impression. The app icon colors should express the app utility loud and clear. Thus, the color palette you choose for you icon will define the entire app. Identify what colors that define your philosophy go well with your icon design. Harmony in the icon design and the color preference will inevitably add meaning to your app design. Use the icon colors as the base palette for the entire app to prevent a mosaic of many colors that may be visually repulsive.

Must Read: Why App Design is so much important?

  • Limit the color palette to three colors

It is important that you do not go overboard with your app design and incorporate all colors possible. You must define your color palette and limit the colors to three. Define the primary, secondary and background colors for clarity and lucidity. In addition to the palette, you must identify the color scheme you wish to use. Color scheme is generally the way you wish to combine the colors you choose for your palette. Conversely, the color scheme you choose can also help you decide the color palette.

  • Use different shades for greater brightness and highlighting important features

While you may want to limit the number of colors you use, there is no restriction on the number of shades of those colors. You can experiment with different shades of a single color from light to dark, or tonal variations to differentiate between different aspects of your app. Using different shades will add brightness to your app, without creating a chaos with colors that conflict with one another. Similarly, you can use different shades and tones to highlight important features that add value to your app. The extraordinary app components can be colored in brighter/ darker shades to make them stand apart and attract user attention.


By now you must be convinced that the colors of your app have a significant impact on its overall popularity. If your app is composed of the right colors in their different shades and tones, it will inevitably be more attractive than any other. The bottom line remains that the visual appearance is what users encounter in the first instance. The user experience and interface only come into place when the user appreciates the look of the app. Invariably, the colors of the app constitute one of the most important elements of the look. Thus, if you wish to develop an app that is user attractive, use the right combination of colors.