Five Essential Ways To Improve Your Web Designing Skills

Author: Ashish Singh

Are you feeling bored by designing same monotonous kinds of websites? Don't you think you need to take a little step ahead and try to improve your web designing skills? It is essential for your personal as well as intellectual development as a web designer. To bring life to your creation, you first need to craft a creation for which skills are required! So, here we have come up with five simple and effective ways to improve your web designing skills:

1.Study-design theory

A proper full-time course or a part-time course including the understanding of concepts like typography, grid theory, color theory and golden ratio are required. There is nothing that can match a simple and formally designed web designing course, although there are other options for learning on the job and self-learning.

2.Seek and feedback

Criticism is essential to improve one’s skills. Positive feedback gives a sense of self-worth when given if deserved and if given when undeserved it can harm a personal development. So while sharing designs with few friends or on a social networking platform, it's important to frame words carefully so that we can get constructive criticism. Feedback on others design work helps to criticize them in a way that can be applied to your own work.

3. Start your own side project

Starting your side web designing project can motivate you to learn new things. Unless the work is personal, it does not bring the required motivation to work or learn hard. The need to create a specific thing makes learning a new design skill easier. So a side project leads you to learn new skills. You can also begin web designing on a freelance basis which would give you a vital experience in designing websites for different business purposes.


The process of experimenting helps you to see which of your creative skills need improvement and why. What works best and what you are good at can be found by trying out different ideas.

5.Talk to other designers

Hit people on social media! Going to conferences, meetups, asking the expert or experienced web designers to be your mentor through email and joining the podcast sessions with the web designers are all the different ways in which one can talk to other designers

These are a few ways one can sharpen their web designing skills. There is a lot more one can conquer by taking into consideration these valid points.