Health Benefits of Paintball

Author: Kyle Varella

Paintball is an exciting game that is rewarding in many ways. The biggest benefit paintball provides the player is with numerous health benefits. In this article, I will be telling you what ten of those benefits are in the hopes that you will be inspired to play the sport that has literally changed my life for the better. Please read below and let me know if there are health benefits that I missed so they can be added.

  1. Spices up your exercise routineWorking out every day doing the same routine can get quite boring and you will be tempted to quit. By adding paintball to your exercise routine, you will have more fun while still working out almost every muscle in your body on the field. You will go home the first time very sore because of all the movements your body is forced to make so you don't get hit.
  2. Build Up EnduranceTournament play on weekends can last all day which means you will be playing from the morning until late afternoon. This means your endurance will increase and you will be able to last longer when you exercise. Paintball requires a lot of running and your stamina will be tested. Some players quit because of this but if you tough it out, it gets much easier as you build up strength.
  3. Relieve Stress There is no better stress reliever than getting to shoot at complete strangers and friends who also shoot back at you. No matter how bad my week is, when I get out on the field on a Saturday morning, it all goes away after shooting a few rounds. I go home in the evening feeling tired but stress-free and ready for the new week ahead. It definitely beats drinking or drugs.
  4. Build Teamwork with colleaguesIf you are looking for ways to build relationships on a personal level with colleagues at work, paintball is the answer to your prayers. In order to win, you are forced to practice and communicate constantly with your friends from work. Nothing builds a solid relationship like winning together and having a good time. Not to mention, after games they get to talk and eat together because there are usually barbecues.

If you want to learn more about paintballing, click here to get more details about the popular sport and how to get started.