HTTP to HTTPS A Visual Guide Keeping SEO in Mind [Infographic]

Author: Cent Muruganandam

Google is all about providing fast and accurate information to its users. Google has been emphasising on mobile friendly and fast loading websites keeping the user experience in mind.

Google has been pushing for more secure websites and even ranks HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) websites higher than those without when all other ranking factors being equal.

Why does Google do this?

Well, when a site is protected by Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or HTTPS then the user data is safeguarded. User data such as name, email, address and even credit card details are secure from hackers and malicious websites. This allows Google and its users to be safe and users can trust Google to serve them secure sites.

Now if you are wondering how to go from HTTP to HTTPS then it does not cost you a huge amount of money but it may take some time and careful planning depending on the size of your site. If this move is not well planned a site may lose some of its SEO benefits and rankings. So here is a visual guide and a checklist to make your move from HTTP to HTTPS a little smoother.

Infographic brought to you by PageTraffic.

How to Migrate from HTTP to HTTPS?

Step 1: Get a Security Certificate and Install that on Server. Your Hosting Provider can Help with this.

Step 2: Update every HTTP reference to HTTPS.

You can do reference updates to a query where you find and replace or use a directive which will enable the browser to request the HTTPS version to make the required updates.

Step 3: Update External Links and Redirects.

Gather Backlink Data, Use a Website Crawler and Update Links.

Step 4: Setup Site to Load HTTPS Web pages by Default.

This Depends on your CMS and Hosting Provider. In WordPress, you can set this up using the Admin Panel.

Step 5: Activate HSTS to Avoid Hacking

HSTS stands for –


S – Strict

T – Transport

S – Security

This step involves adding code to your configuration file and your hosting provider can help.

Step 6: Activate OCSP to Eliminate Inefficiencies and Give You a Grace Period in Case of Expiry

OCSP stands for –

O – Online

C – Certificate

S – Status

P – Protocol

OCSP eliminates inefficiencies and inaccuracies by querying the certificate. Another important thing is the OCSP allows you time to acquire another certificate in case of expiry.

Step 7: Use HTTP/2 to Improve Loading Times

HTTP/2 is estimated to have 50 to 70 percent better loading times than HTTP/1.1

Step 8: Update Robots.txt, XML Sitemaps, HREFLANG, Canonical Tags

Step 9: Update Google Search Console (GSC) with HTTPS

Ensure URL settings and Disavow File are Updated. Submit new Sitemap.

Step 10: Update Google Analytics

Also update canonical tags, PPC URLs, Email marketing software, external links and backlinks.

Step 11: Scan your Website for Content that is Not-Secure

Tools you can use for this:

  • JitBit SSL Check
  • Why No Pad Lock

Good luck with your move from HTTP to HTTPS. Hope this infographic guide is useful!