NHAI to Introduce Smart Cameras for Traffic Surveillance on Highways

Author: Rama Vala

For the residents of the world’s urban centers, traffic congestion is nearly a ubiquitous challenge. The primary forms of transportation for the urban residents continue to rise, as the great migration to cities continues across the globe and the prevalence of the automobile. Traffic congestion will only increase in severity. The results are compelling. Traffic congestion has become a soaring problem in many cities across the country.

Most would agree that traffic congestion is a problem for our cities. What’s far less certain is how severe the problem is, what solutions are most effective in ameliorating the problem, and how the nature of the problem differs across communities, the absence of a standardised way to measure traffic congestion and the effectiveness of various policy solutions is one reason for the lack of clarity about how this traffic congestion arises. India’s largest municipalities have independently developed their own definitions of traffic congestion, and also indicators are set to measure traffic congestion, and processes to capture data and report on those indicators.

There is little hope that municipalities could work collaboratively to ascertain best practices in addressing traffic gridlock, with such variance in the way, traffic congestion is understood and measured across the cities in India. So National Highway Authority of India is trying to identify the emerging best practices in the measurement and amelioration of the traffic congestion.

Traffic congestion is a challenge that is not easy to manage and it is an issue that is top of mind for cities around the world. Very few cities have implemented effective solutions for congestion problems. There is no concrete agreement on what the definition of congestion is and this may be the case for blurry ideas about reducing the traffic congestion on the highways. Decreased speeds, longer travel times and vehicle queues – are few of the impacts of the increased number of vehicles on a highways and the in basic terms ‘Congestion’ is related to this impacts of the vehicles on the daily commuters.

Reducing traffic congestion on highways through vehicle diversion, automatic toll collection and video surveillance at the Toll Plaza are the major aims of NHAI. The vehicles will be diverted to various lanes depending on the traffic density of each lane. This will reduce traffic congestion on highways. NHAI has proposed a method of smart traffic control system uses RFID tags, image processing for traffic diversion and programmable logic for data handling. Through this implementation waiting time of vehicle will be reduced drastically. This will be effective for reducing the traffic on roads.

To manage the entire highway network, NHAI will soon sign an agreement with Korean Expressway Corporation. To bring in best technology for traffic management on highways, traffic management centers uses sophisticated audio-visual technology. In the next six months, NHAI hopes to operate the video surveillance at 10 toll plaza to take quick action to ease the vehicle flow. For real-time mapping at all the major toll plazas, NHAI will bring another 200 plazas gradually under the video surveillance system, where the traffic flow is more than 10,000 vehicles on daily basis.

The video surveillance system in the traffic control system is a real-time application in which wireless sensor based network (WSN) serves well. For monitoring traffic and road conditions, WSN design can meet all the real-time requirements. This system has never before been implemented and has a high chance of success. In this age of advanced technology, our toll booths are in desperate need of an upgrade and this method hopes to do the same.

#VideoSurveillance #TollPlaza #FASTag