Get the best career and lifestyle advice to live a happy life
Life is a beautiful gift such that we should all live everyday as if it was our last. A life free from tension and lived to the fullest extent possible. Unfortunately, the reality is that very few people actually achieve this happy state of affairs and that the reasons for this are many and varied. Many people become frustrated because they find it difficult to balance their personal and professional life simultaneously, while some may become irritated with their company and current business stream, and yet still others find it hard to get a foot on the ladder within their dream profession.
So, given my opening statement encouraging you to live life to the fullest extent, what is needed is an effective strategy to get you into a position where you can balance work and life perfectly, with each existing harmoniously side-by-side, complementing and enriching the other, or do what it takes to get the perfect career or make a life changing decision to leave your present company. Sounds like nirvana doesn’t it? To achieve it may require you make a Life Changing Decision which could be risky and therefore might be beyond the dreams of most people.
Well regular readers of The Career and Lifestyle Journal will know that one of our aims is to highlight and share the experiences of others that have made that journey and achieved a more harmonious well-balanced existence. Rarely will anyone achieve an overnight successful transition and there is certainly not any panacea out there, which can be applied to all ills. However, taking a few small steps at a time, gradually changing the ways that you do things and possibly, reassessing what is really important to you in your life you can make a big difference and balance work and life.
You have probably already come to realize that your job and your career are an intrinsic part of you and who you are and therefore will always have a direct effect on the quality of your life especially if they are not aligned with your interests and aspirations.
How many people have set out on their ‘chosen’ career path following the wishes and aspirations of their parents, friends or siblings only to find several years in that it is not really what they want and having set out on a particular path, how are they going to achieve the change to something that really interests them? Just as importantly, how are they going to come to the realization of what it is that they would really like to do in their career and in knowing that, find a career path that will be aligned?
Career choices and your own individual Career Decision are fundamentally one of the Major Life Decisions that you will ever face and it’s vitally important that you seek the advice of a professionally trained and qualified career advisor, an expert in career theory and practices. We firmly believe that the very best Lifestyle Careers are those, where you feel that you can put all of your heart and soul into every minute of every day and work becomes the pleasure that enriches your life. This is not going to happen just by chance so don’t you owe it to yourself to take a career and lifestyle health check? You can start by subscribing to The Careers and Lifestyle Journal, get advice on-line, read and share your thoughts and ideas in their lively and topical Forum. We will look forward to seeing you there.
Jan is a qualified careers adviser and lifestyle coach and works with clients of all ages and career backgrounds on a 1-1 basis and through e-guidance via her website She is passionate about helping individual’s to become more self-aware, and helps them to identify the right career and work-life balance for them which is aligned with their interests, values, skills and talents.