Initial Coin Offering (ICO) List at Sprinto

Author: Sprinto Coin

Are you aware about ICOs Fundraising Work? Initial Coin Offering or ICO is a crowdfunding method mainly used by newly launched cryptocurrency companies to raise capitals. In ICO process a certain amount of percentages of the newly issued cryptocurrencies are sold to people having interested in supporting the project. They are traded in exchange for other established cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Fiat and Ether.

A cryptocurrency company that is planning to raise capitals through ICO token list must provide a few details such as:

  • Project Description
  • Project Purpose
  • Amount Need To Be Raised
  • Percentage Of Tokens The Company Will Keep
  • Types Of Virtual Currencies Accepted
  • Timeframe Of The ICO campaign

If you are backer and interested to raise capital through Upcoming ICO List you can email the seller and ask for more details of the project before execution of a transaction. If you are successfully able to raise it, it will result in successful completion of the project.

Since backers buy the new cryptocurrency with the purpose to make a profit when it increases in value it works on similar principle of people making a profit when the share they bought at the stock market increases in value. However it is essential to keep in mind that ICO is different than buying shares at a stock market because you are not given the share of the ownership right when you invest in the new tokens.

Presently the Initial Coin Offering List has become increasingly popular with around 50 token sales being conducted every month. Especially starting from 2017, ICO has seen a tremendous growth at a fast pace with at least $2 billion worth of token sales successfully accomplished. Thus it is evident that ICO is not going to be a temporary method used by new cryptocurrency company to raise funds but it is here to stay on a long term basis.

To find the Best Upcoming ICO one needs to be patient and willing to spend time to conduct research on the company. Team Sprinto coin with 18 years of experience in the field has built a platform and are trying to build a market worth of 20 Billion dollars. Sprinto coin will give you an investing opportunity that includes Lending, Trading, Mining, Staking and ICO commission.