4 Ways To Reduce Website Bounce Rate

Author: John Smith

Bounce rate contributes significantly to lower your ranking in search engine result pages. Make sure to keep it as low as possible. Check out this guide that will get you acquainted with key essentials that help to reduce bounce rate of a website.

Bounce rate is the percentage of the audience that visits your website but goes away without navigating any other pages. It plays a significant role in the success of SEO campaigns. To make the most of your marketing campaigns, it is vital to take services from a top rated SEO company in Bay Area. The internet marketing experts will focus on reducing the bounce rate of your website by the following:

Scrutinize the target audience

You cannot anticipate a visitor to stick around if one does not actually desire to be there in the first place. As you can lure some visitors with attractive titles and tempting offers, you would like to make sure that the audience coming to your website is the ideal for your business altogether. This, of course, needs a detailed familiarity with who your ideal audience is.

Confirm the traffic channels

Another approach to reducing the bounce rate is making sure that your page lives up to its promise. It means if a post is being run on Facebook that links back to your blog, or creating an advertisement in AdWords, take care you deliver whatever it says you will. If the audience is clicking on your advertisements and posts and rapidly bouncing, it means that they have not discovered what they are in search of. Keep a regular tab on the source of traffic to make out where the loopholes are in your promise and deliverance.

Create an improved On-Page user experience

Make sure your page is engaging enough to reduce the bounce rate. Keep in mind that the user experience is based exclusively on the way the audience feels about your website. It is biased and regrettably, it is not actually possible to please everyone. However, in order to enhance the On-Page experience of the majority of website visitors, the experts of a reputed SEO company in Bay Area recommend incorporating quality videos and images, and quality, easily understandable content.

Incorporate strategically located CTAs

Do not make the website visitors guess what they are supposed to perform next. This is for the reason that most of them often guess wrong. So inform them. Tell them with a link if they "Want to read more?" Tell them with a handy if they "Want to check out a similar product?" Keep in mind that CTAs come in an assortment of types. Do not miss to experiment with what works best for you as well as your audience.