Having A More Efficient Boiler Could Help Save The Environment!

Author: Bob Jackson

Every responsible person on earth must contribute towards environmental safety! Making a home more energy efficient is a welcoming step. A great way and effort to make this first move is by keeping utility bills to a minimum. Homeowners, tenants and landlords can all help in making this step.

Without you knowing, if you have an outdated boiler in your home there could be a chance that it is emitting toxic gassed like carbon monoxide which can be very harmful. Gasses like these are not only harmful to residences but also the environment. For some the process of getting an older boiler replaced may be a costly expense however, if you are able to pay for it or are at least able to finance some of the replacement it’s definitely a worthwhile investment.

For those of you who are unable to pay for a boiler replacement at the moment, its no problem we have a solution for you! You may be eligible for a FREE boiler replacement. It is an initiative from the UK government to help the people with low income in turning their home energy efficient.

The Free Boiler Scheme for UK Residents

The UK Governments Energy Company Obligation (ECO Scheme) sponsors the project and provides funding of new equipment to be installed to all those who are eligible for a grant.

To qualify for the scheme, you need will need meet the following criteria:

  • Your total income including all the working members of the family must not be higher than£16,010.
  • You must have an old boiler.
  • The age of the boiler must be over five years.
  • It must not be a condensing boiler.
  • Your property size must be enough to amplify energy saving.
  • You must receive qualifying benefit.

New Boiler Grant can Help enroll You on to The Scheme.

Here at New Boiler Grant we can help simplify your eligibility as you may be able to gain access to a free government grants through us. If not, not to worry we have a few alternative options for you! Simply visit our website fill in our short form and see whether you qualify within minutes.

If you do qualify one of our local installers will be in touch with you and arrange a suitable time to visit you and conduct an energy assessment within your home. This will allow them to prepare a report to determine the efficiency of your boiler and make a decision on whether you have qualified for a Free Government Boiler Grant.

Reduce the utility bills, save energy and help contribute towards a safe environment! Visit our website www.newboilergrant.co.uk and make a change today!