Valuable Tips From Best Videographers

Author: Shashank Sharma
Presentation matters a lot in today’s times. It reflects upon your concern for catering to every single little detail. Even a dismal picture, video or even such a situation can be turned around to look visually stunning if presented like that. Not only in case of videography does presentation matter but also in case of things like home decor, websites etc. Making a regular routine stuff really appealing is not a child’s play. One needs to have the required skills and the perfect understanding of what goes best with something to attract acknowledgement and appreciation ultimately. Mastering this art definitely requires effort. Let’s take a look at some of the essential tips from some of the best videographers out there,
  1. Custom white balance – now you can do this with 18% grey card, other known as a white balance card, relatively inexpensive. The idea here is to white balance before you shoot, that way you are not making post production editing go to a point where you can’t even save the shot. There might have been some experiences where you take your footage back to your computer and you realise that it looks really blue or cool or damp. The process slightly differs depending on the camera. This is really wonderful and makes a huge difference to your shot.
  2. Good quality video tripod – you don’t want to be the guy or girl who stacks his good quality professional grade camera on a stack of books. Cheaper video tripods are not the ones designed for videography as they often tend to give jerky movements. You can do a lot of really cool shots with just a tripod. Tripods can also used for trick shots, it gives a steady feel and also helps in giving a cinematic look to the video. Once you get the hang of it, you can experiment and explore different options with it. You will definitely feel the difference in your video shots.
  3. Be aware and take advantage of frame – it makes all the difference in the world. Framing is everything because you can take something that doesn’t look so great and turn into an amazing shot depending on how you frame your entire situation. There’s a rule known as the rule of thirds, that states that having your subject in one third of your frame on either the left or the right side makes a huge difference. You want to make sure that your shots are nice and tidy and in order to do that, you need to push something to the left or right and use the thirds to line it up. Generally you can use 20-30 or up to 60 frames, used by Hollywood movie makers to give that cinematic feel to the shot. 30 frames are typically used for the broadcast.
  4. Pick up ND Filter – For those who have wide aperture lenses. ND filters, in simplest terms, are like sunglasses for your camera. So, if you are shooting a video outside and everything is massively over blown or overexposed. This is essential for filmmakers or videographers out there.
  5. Don’t be afraid – to shoot on what you have, be it a smartphone, point and shoot camera. You can get intimidated by seeing pro cameras used by some videographers but don’t be. You can do awesome stuff on cheaper options as well. Smartphones now come with tripod suitability feature which helps beginners to film whenever and wherever they want.
  6. Perspective is everything – capturing an amazing video is all about presenting something the other person has never seen before. We have looked at every single thing from eye level, for our whole life, and having only that perspective in a photo gets boring for the viewer because it’s usual for him/her. Seeing a beautiful grass field in a photo is normal but when we look at a photo that has been taken while laying down in the grass field and getting a close up view of the fresh, green grass, the real beauty emerges and we see a wonderful, unique and interesting photo. Same goes with video as well.