3 Onboarding Approaches That Help, Rather Than Harm Employee Retention

Author: Liz Seyi

3 Onboarding Approaches That Help, Rather Than Harm Employee Retention

So your carefully honed Recruitment Process Management has done the trick, the perfect candidate has come through the interview with flying coloursand they’re now ready to start working for you. What’s next?

What’s next is employee onboarding, which shouldn’t be a mere afterthought. Indeed, how you handle this process could make or break your new worker’s entire tenure with your company.

The good news is that you don’t need a monster budget or a big HR team to get your firm’s staff onboarding right. Simply following the below tips can be instrumental in ensuring success.

Have All Of The Essential Paperwork In Place

There may be a lot of identities that you are forced to have as an employer, but the ‘disorganised’ one is one that you can definitely do without.

After all, there are various items that it’s important to have ready to make your new employee’s early life at your company easier.

We’re talking about things like emergency contact information, an employee handbook outlining your firm’s vital policies and procedures, a health and safety guide and an offer letter and job description, the latter a useful reminder of their duties from their very first day.

  • Go digital’

Is there scope to bring technology into your Onboarding Process to make all of that paperwork less overwhelming?

Various dedicated digital onboarding solutions exist, enabling you to reduce what could otherwise be a cumbersome and time-consuming process to effectively a few clicks and electronic forms.

When you are running a small business in particular, streamlining your onboarding process in this way could be crucial for maximising your efficiency and competitiveness, as well as the experience that your new hire has of your firm.

Ensure That They Feel At Home

You can do so many things to make the atmosphere at your company for your new recruit feel suitably homely.

Simply answering those awkward or uncomfortable questions that the staffer is likely to have – such as where they are allowed to park, and whether employees normally bring a packed lunch or go out – can help to lessen any nerves.

Ensuring that their first day is full of activities – albeit not making their schedule too punishing at this vital early stage – can also assist in ensuring there are no awkward moments when the employee is simply waiting, unsure of what to do next.

The happier and more engaged any new employee of yours is, the better their transition to their new life at your company will be, which can only be a good thing for ensuring they stay with you for longer.

So, be sure to think carefully about your own business’s approach to onboarding when you next need to draw upon the recruitment process management expertise of an agency like Webrecruit.