How to use the Excel HLOOKUP function

Author: Hitesh Sharma

HLOOKUP in excel expectations scans for an incentive in the main line of a table. At the match segment, it recovers an incentive from the predefined push. Utilize HLOOKUP when query esteems are situated in the main line of a table. Utilize VLOOKUP when query esteems are situated in the principal segment of a table.


HLOOKUP is an Excel capacity to query and recover information from a particular line in table. The "H" in HLOOKUP remains for "level", where query esteems show up in the primary line of the table, moving on a level plane to one side. HLOOKUP bolsters inexact and correct coordinating, and special cases (*?) for discovering incomplete matches.


Query an incentive in a table by coordinating on the main column

Return value

The coordinated an incentive from a table.


=HLOOKUP (esteem, table, row_index, [range_lookup])


esteem - The incentive to gaze upward.

table - The table from which to recover information.

row_index - The line number from which to recover information.

range_lookup - [optional] A boolean to demonstrate correct match or inexact match. Default = TRUE = rough match.

Utilization notes

HLOOKUP scans for an incentive in the primary column of a table. At the match segment, it recovers an incentive from the predefined push. Utilize HLOOKUP when query esteems are situated in the principal column of a table. Utilize VLOOKUP when query esteems are situated in the principal section of a table.

Range_lookup controls whether esteem needs to coordinate precisely or not. The default is TRUE = permit non-correct match.

Set range_lookup to FALSE to require a correct match.

On the off chance that range_lookup is TRUE (the default setting), a non-correct match will cause the HLOOKUP capacity to coordinate the closest incentive in the table that is still not as much as esteem.

At the point when range_lookup is excluded, the HLOOKUP capacity will permit a non-correct match, yet it will utilize a correct match on the off chance that one exists.

In the event that range_lookup is TRUE (the default setting) ensure that query esteems in the main line of the table are arranged in climbing request. Something else, HLOOKUP may restore a mistaken or surprising worth.

In the event that range_lookup is FALSE (require correct match), values in the main line of table don't should be arranged.