5 Queries to Make Before Hiring Mobile App Developers
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Be it games, e-commerce or social networking, we are surrounded by apps. From the alarm that wakes us in the morning to coordinate with colleagues and from buying a gift for a friend to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, we use apps for just about everything.
Realizing the power and pervasiveness of this digital revolution, businesses are keen to hire dedicated mobile app developers. Most businesses do follow the process of app development, involving idea, strategy, design, development, deployment, and post-launch phases. What really makes the difference between a successful mobility solution and one that can be thrown out of the window, however, is the team that worked on creating the app.
In 2016, the number of mobile app developers reached a staggering 12 million, increasing fivefold since 2006, according to Evans Data Corp’s Global Development Population and Demographics Study. What businesses need to realize is that not all of them can contribute the same value. You’d need to find a way to choosing the best of them to empower your digital strategy.
@ a:link { color: #0000ff }Mobile app development can be a long process involving multiple stages. When you hire dedicated mobile app developers who are capable and experienced, half the battle is already won. So, here are some questions you need to ask when you approach a mobile app development company to hire dedicated mobile developers.
Q1: What are the Platforms Your Team is Comfortable With?
Besides the popular ones like Android and iOS, there are platforms like Windows, iMac, and Blackberry. You may want your app to be compatible with all these. Enquire about the cross-platform knowledge and experience the team has. There are companies that focus on a niche, but in the long-term interest of your app, you’d want a team with expertise in all these platforms.
Q2: Which Skills Does Your Team Have?
Although your aim is to hire dedicated mobile developers, they are not the only ones who would be working on your mobility solution. Ensure that the company you choose has a team of graphic designers and UI experts. There should also be people with adequate experience in creating solutions for different industries. Such professionals can offer critical inputs right from the mobility strategy stage to post-deployment. The company should have a keen focus on user experience. They should also have a team of testers, who can ensure your solution has been thoroughly checked for bugs before your app goes live.
Q3: What Support Process Do You Follow?
It’s not enough to hire dedicated mobile developers to create an app. You will require support through the lifecycle of the app. There may be some bugs that come up or the solution may need to be upgraded with new features to expand its use or incorporate changes in technology. Ensure that the company you choose provides 24/7 support and has a team of trained professionals to help you out when the need arises.
Q4: What Kind of Work Have You Done for Other Clients?
The answer to this will give you a deep insight into the level of experience and skills of the app development team. Get details about the clients, their requirements and the solution the team developed to meet their business goals.
Q5: What is the Average Time Your Team Takes to Create an Enterprise App?
Developing an app can be complex, depending on your requirements. However, you wouldn’t want to be stuck for months waiting to see how your app performs or spend weeks identifying and fixing bugs. This will not only push you behind competitors who may have already deployed their solution but also mean that someone from your team continues to invest time to coordinate with the app development company. A company that uses a mobile app development platform can significantly reduce add development time to weeks, rather than months.
Moreover, when you hire dedicated mobile app developers, you need to ensure they are passionate about technology and stay abreast of all the latest advancements. The process of screening and selecting the right team is critical, as it forms the basis of a long-term relationship.