4 Fantastic Things to Know about Giant Panda Bears before Going on a Panda Tour

Author: Bella Zhang

Giant Pandas are one of the most adorable animals in the world today. These are loved by everyone across the globe. With their flat face, short tails, and the playful, clumsy, and cute nature, these fluffy creatures have made a place for themselves in our hearts since forever. Naturally, people flock together in the Sichuan and Chengdu areas in China to catch a glimpse of this big, round buddy.

There are several companies that are also organizing an exciting and interesting China photography tour or panda site trips that not just introduce one to the natural beauty and untamed wilderness of China but also give you an opportunity to explore the ethnic minority cultures in this part of the world. So, before you enroll in such a trip, you should know a few things about pandas. Here, we have put together a few things to know about giant panda bears. Take a look.

The Origin of their Black & White Color

Pandas have an innocent face with eyes that demand love and warmth. And have a beautiful black and white pattern on their skin. Pandas are furry and therefore extremely cuddly. But have you thought about the origin of its black and white pattern? Well, this color combination on the skin resembles the Chinese philosophy of yin and yang that coincides with the Taiji diagram of Taoism. It is believed that they symbolize a balance of nature with black and white, presenting a sharp contrast and yet bearing a connection.

Smarter & Faster than You Think

While it is a common conception that pandas are slow, lazy, and clumsy but that is not entirely true. Since they eat bamboos which are low in nutrient content, these creatures tend to save their energy but these are actually quite agile. Although big and heavy, these are can perfectly climb the high trees where they seek protection from predators and get some relaxation. You will be surprised to know that they might appear calm and at peace but if these sense danger, they can run even faster than humans, even clamber up mountains and cross rivers.

Ambassadors of Peace & Friendship

Giant panda bears are one of the most peace-loving and friendly animals you will find on this planet. Since pandas inhabit the mountainous areas and survive on bamboo, these hardly have to contest with other animals to procure food, these do not have an aggressive nature. They avoid interfering with others and like to conform to the natural way of life. These assert themselves with minimal action and can be safely considered as ambassadors of friendship and peace.

Skilled Learners

Pandas have been destined to lead a solitary life. But in the course of it, they have been made to learn a lot of things that ensure their better survival. And young pandas are also quite fast learners. Curious and intrigued by everything that is happening around them, pandas learn everything on their own initiative most of the times. Right from independent locomotion, mating, raising babies, inquiring about their surroundings, to exploring their food, and probing into everything they come across, these know various kinds of life skills.

So, are you interested in seeing them in person? Then, you should look for a company that organizes such tours near you.