MSc Nursing admissions 2018 at Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Nursing, Pimpri

Author: Rakesh Shinde

MSc (Nursing) Course is designed to assist students in developing expertise and in-depth understanding in the field of Nursing Education, Medical-Surgical Nursing, Obstetrics & Gynaecological Nursing, Child Health Nursing, Community Health Nursing, Nursing Management, Advance Nursing Practices, Mental Health Nursing, Nursing Research & Statistics. It will further enable the student to function as a professional nurse, clinical speciality nurse, educator, and administrator, manager, nursing leader, supervisor, evaluator and researcher. It also enables the students to evaluate research studies and utilize research findings to improve quality of nursing practice, education, management and administration. It would provide an opportunity to PG students to understand, appreciate and acquire skills in teaching and evaluation, curricular development, implementation, maintenance of standards and accreditation of various nursing education programs to compete with the new challenges and globalization.

This programme prepares nursing graduates who are professionally equipped to deal with day-to-day problems within the existing constraints and thus act as an agent of social change.


The aim of the postgraduate program in nursing is to prepare graduates to assume responsibilities as nurse specialists, consultants, educators and administrators in a wide variety of professional settings.


On completion of the two years MSc Nursing programme, the graduate will be able to:-

  1. Utilize/apply the concepts, theories and principles of nursing science.
  2. Demonstrate advanced competence in the practice of nursing.
  3. Practice as a nurse specialist.
  4. Demonstrate leadership qualities and function effectively as nurse educator and manager.
  5. Demonstrate skill in conducting nursing research, interpreting and utilizing the findings from health-related research.
  6. Demonstrate the ability to plan and effect change in nursing practice and in the health care delivery systems.
  7. Establish a collaborative relationship with members of other disciplines.
  8. Demonstrate interest in continued learning for personal and professional advancement.

Eligibility Criteria/Admission Requirements:

  1. The candidate should be a Registered Nurse and Registered Midwife or equivalent with any State Nursing Registration Council.
  2. The candidate should have undergone B.Sc. Nursing / Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing in an institution which is recognized by Indian Nursing Council.
  3. Minimum one year of work experience after Basic B.Sc. (Nursing).
  4. Minimum one year of work experience prior or after Post Basic B.Sc. (Nursing).
  5. A candidate shall be medically fit.

Eligibility for NRI / PIO / FN

  1. Post Basic or B.Sc. Nursing from a recognized college of Nursing.
  2. Minimum 55% marks in subjects as per the INC syllabus of B.Sc. Nursing / Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing.
  3. Equivalent certificate from Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi.

About College:

Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Nursing, Pimpri, Pune – 411018 (Maharashtra) India is recognized by Government of India and University Grants Commission and is affiliated to Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi and included under the ambit of Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pimpri, Pune-18.


Situated in Pimpri, the college was established in the year 2000 with a vision to impart nursing education to students. The spacious campus, fully equipped laboratories, lecture halls, auditorium and offices, comply with Indian Nursing Council norms. The college has a reputation of producing able graduate nurses who provide commendable services.

This status was accorded in recognition of the high quality of education imparted through the State of the art infrastructure and dedicated faculty of the Nursing College and ascertaining the potential of the Institute for excellence. The Govt. of India and the University Grants Commission considered the issue of bringing institutes under the University, after judging their performance in these parameters.

Mission Statement

  • To educate student nurses with the highest academic standards, to become future healthcare leaders.
  • To be internationally recognized centre of excellence for both research & education.
  • To shape the future of individuals to build a healthy nation.

Vision Statement

  • To Excel Nursing care in Education and Service through Research.


  • Adequate space for the student’s activities.
  • Well-stocked library with latest reference books and journals from National and International levels.
  • Modern amenities including laboratories, lecture halls, auditorium and offices as per the INC norms.
  • Facilities for comprehensive nursing care in all specialities in our own hospital are available.


The Auditorium is centrally air-conditioned and ergonomically designed chairs, with fully equipped with latest audiovisual facilities and sitting capacities up to 250 and are being extensively used for various continuing education programs and cultural activities.


Highly experienced and well-qualified nursing faculty as per stipulation of Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi.

Research Activities

Various research activities are carried out by M.Sc. (Nursing) students, B.Sc. Nursing Students & Faculty which includes a review of the literature, framing statements and objectives, Journal Presentation / Journal clubs, Synopsis & Research Proposal, which is approved by Scientific Committee, Research & Recognition Committee & Ethics Committee.

Conference, Seminar and Workshops

  1. Workshop on "Epidemiological & Advanced Research Methods" was conducted by Dr. D. Y. Patil College on 9th January 2018 in Seminar Hall at Dr. D.Y. Patil College of Nursing, Pimpri, Pune-18.
  2. DYP Seva Alumni Association organized Blood Donation Camp on 27/10/2017.
  3. College has organized three continuing education in collaboration with Maharashtra Nursing Council with 2 credit points for each CNE. The Topics Were:

a) Alternative Role of a Nurse in Modalities of treatment on 28/04/2017

b) Critical Care Nursing & Skills on 22/9/2017

c) Quality improvement and patient safety on 16/12/2017

  1. DYP Seva Alumni Association organized an "Alumni Meet 2018" on 6th January 2018.
  2. As per Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi Syllabus, MSc/BSc / P.B.B.Sc Nursing students visited super speciality hospitals and different institutions in Kolkata in Dec.2017.
  3. All throughout the year, the Nursing Students observed & celebrated National Health Days.

Highlights of Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Nursing, Pimpri, Pune-18.

  • Urban Community Health Centre
  • Rural Community Health Centre