The First College in Uttarakhand Collaboration with Apple ios

Author: Arun SEO



The purpose of this lab aims at providing students the knowledge about the Apple iMac X Operating System Environment. Mac OS X is the World's most advanced operating system. Wireless Internet access(Airport Software) available in this Lab. In this lab provides modern computational and research facilities to both Under & Post graduates and research students.


Apple lab oratory is built on the world's most advanced operating system the Macintosh is easy to use as it is powerful. It comes with applications the help students create amazing projects. Apple lab connected to the remote Mac OS X server located at Hi-Tech Laboratory, Main Campus.

Mac OS X is both easy to use and incredibly powerful. Everything from the desktop you see when you start up your Mac to the applications you use every day is designed with simplicity and elegance in mind. Making amazing things simple takes seriously advanced technologies, and Mac OS X is loaded with them. Since the software on every Mac is created by the same company that makes the Mac itself you get an integrated system in which everything works together perfectly. The advanced technologies in the operating system take full advantage of the 64-bit. These technologies provide for power for things like multi way chatting, real-time reflections, and smooth animations. Mac OS X doesn't get PC viruses. Many features you won't find in other operating systems. For example, the built-in Voice Over screen-reading technology makes it possible for those who are blind or have low vision to control their computer using key commands or gestures on a multi-touch track Pad. Mac OS X also provide out of the box support for over 40 braille displays, including Bluetooth displays etc. Apple Lab full-featured version that includes a large collection of beautifully designed Applications. It's support different OS including Windows and Windows Applications. Students learn by a team of faculty experts and lab Programmer. Apple lab is used to train the students to improve their programming knowledge and make experiments to get familiar with the core Courses.

Laboratory Outcomes
  • Implementation of Apple projects will facilitate teaching & learning process
  • Students can be made aware with recent trends & technologies
  • Useful in Industry Defined Project /User Defined Project (part of Gujarat Technological University curriculum) of the final year student
  • Creates conducive environment for R&D.
  • Technical skill of students for iOS development will improve
Uses for the Classes

The most common use of the Apple TV in a classroom is screen mirroring using AirPlay, the iPad, iPhone, iMac, Mac Notebooks can wirelessly display their screen on a HDTV/Projector that is connected to the Apple TV. This is great for the classroom as sharing Apps and tutorials via the iPad are becoming more popular. Considering mirroring works iOS wide, anything on the instructors iPad can be shared with the classroom.

Here are some ways of using Apple TV in the classroom:

  • YouTube videos
  • Seamless transition between video clips (comparison between renditions of a play, perhaps)
  • Display pictures of student/teacher work
  • Demonstrate apps
  • Subscribe to Netflix, Show relevant documentaries or shows.
  • Use as an interactive whiteboard (whiteboard apps)
  • Creative project presentations (student ice-breaker collages)
  • Walk the room while still remaining connected
  • In a 1:1 iPad deployment, students can share their screen on the Apple TV
  • Use as a document camera