Author: Arun SEO

RIT Announces Spoken Tutorial Project- IIT Bombay –(FOSS)

Education without application is just entertainment …Tim Sanders.

RIT, continuously aims to broaden and intensify the method of increasing extensive knowledge and skills of students. We are pleased to announce that RIT affiliated to Uttarakhand Technical University collaborated with IIT Bombay in association with Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) as a part of its mission for Education- Information & Communication Technology (ICT) for students and faculty members to participate in Spoken Tutorial Programme, IIT Bombay.

The Programme will present excellent benefits to students by providing range of IT Skills Training, Programming Software and Job Oriented Software Training from this session onwards. It helps students to analyze, validate, and implement state of art Spoken Tutorial in operational perspective.

Spoken Tutorial Programme, IIT Bombay utterly provides complete knowledge of FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) with applications. This programme will sharpen the IT Solutions in different fields building innovative young talents with foremost technological expertise.

It helps students make methodical, principled and scientifically responsible approach contributive to research in specific area of interest. It includes profound knowledge of different languages like Linux-Ubuntu, C, C++, Java, Netbeans & Python, Scilab, PHP, Mysql, Calc, Python, Latex, Oscad etc. It covers several application of Operating System, Managing Databases, Mathematical Operations, Spreadsheets, Pragramming Languages, Web Development and Database Management. Scientific computation packing, Fluid Mechanics, Image Editing and Graphic Design, Basic 2D Design and drafting, Animation, Ascend, Joomla, Biopython, Kturtle, Ktouch etc.

It is a constructive knowledge based program of multifarious technical collaboration and academic exchange with IIT Bombay. It aims to offer an engaging and challenging operation oriented academic environment enabling students to develop an inquisitive and reflective attitude.

Why to Join Spoken Tutorial Programme, IIT Bombay

Objectives of the Virtual Labs:To provide remote-access to Labs in various disciplines of Science and Engineering. These Virtual Labs would cater to students at the undergraduate level, post graduate level as well as to research scholars.To enthuse students to conduct experiments by arousing their curiosity. This would help them in learning basic and advanced concepts through remote experimentation.To provide a complete Learning Management System around the Virtual Labs where the students can avail the various tools for learning, including additional web-resources, video-lectures, animated demonstrations and self evaluation.To share costly equipment and resources, which are otherwise available to limited number of users due to constraints on time and geographical distances.

IIT Roorkee Virtual Labs Seminar Click

Labs Ready For Use Click