Let Us Build a Greener Earth with Avaada

Author: Arpi Solanki

Earth is a giver but for us to live off its resources for eternity we need to be careful. We must strive to live life sustainably, i.e. use the resources and the earth in a measured and balanced manner so as not to wipe off resources from its surface and consequently wipe off living species. And to help us live life sustainably and save the earth from humanly atrocities, Avaada is here. Avaada’s dream is to create a life where every organism is free to breathe in fresh air, enjoy equal opportunities, have a healthy life and live sustainably. Avaada aims to build up a world with an incessant supply of energy that is being generated from renewable resources. Avaada has already set up a number of solar projects as well as wind projects in 10 states of India. So they are responsible for harnessing a lot of wind energy in India. Not just India, the company has expanded to various parts across the world as well.

It works with wind energy Africa produces and also the wind energy in Vietnam. The urge making Avaada grow is a need and a want to do something for the society, to make the world a better and greener place. Because it is after all, our duty, as citizens of the world to take care of the world we live in, feed off and not harm it in the way we are presently doing. Avaada’s commitment is towards building a brighter future for all and sundry. It is an Indian company which strives to keep up its name. Avaada comes from the word "vaada" meaning ‘a promise’ and it is this promise that drives them to work efficiently and incessantly. The company does not believe in the ‘tomorrow’ but the ‘today’ of making the world greener. The company is committed towards harnessing power from natural sources and providing that power in an affordable, clean and incessant way for people all over the world to use. This journey of Avaada is one driven of passion, commitment, promises, quality, efficiency and need for sustainability.